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UW in the News

June 14, 2021

State, national and international media frequently feature the University of Wyoming and members of its community in stories. Here is a summary of some of the recent coverage:

Scientists have discovered two new species of flying squirrels -- both as big as cats -- in the Himalayas. National Geographic interviewed John Koprowski, dean of UW’s Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources and an expert on squirrels, about the flying squirrels, which are considered to be among the rarest and least studied mammals in the world.

The London Daily News published an opinion piece in which Bradley Rettler, a UW assistant professor of philosophy, discussed the value of bitcoin, and how and why people value certain things.

The Gillette News Record noted that the new Wyoming Innovation Center for companies in Gillette will test technologies on a large scale. UW’s School of Energy Resources (SER) will be a tenant, testing technologies to make products such as construction materials out of coal, as well as extracting rare-earth elements from coal fly ash and coal seams. The Construction Index published a similar article, and SER Executive Director Holly Krutka spoke with Wyoming Public Radio about the new facility.

The UW Board of Trustees will consider issuing up to $260 million in bonds for new campus housing and a parking facility during its meeting Wednesday. Oil City News published UW’s release.

The Casper Star-Tribune (CS-T) featured the documentary “92 Miles: A Migration Story.” The documentary follows Wyoming Migration Initiative Associate Research Scientist Patrick Rodgers, of Casper, as he ultra-runs the migration path of one of his study animals and faces the grief of losing his father, Neil, to cancer.

Ed Synakowski, UW vice president for research and economic development, is leaving the university to join the University of Nevada-Las Vegas the end of August. The CS-T reported on UW’s announcement.

Oil City News and Jackson Hole Radio reported that UW Extension collaborated with other agencies on Gov. Mark Gordon’s new website that will provide detailed, updated information on drought conditions in the state.

UW President Ed Seidel joined the governor and Central Wyoming College’s president in Riverton last week to discuss the Wyoming Innovation Network (WIN). County 10 noted that WIN is a collaboration between UW and the state’s community colleges to develop innovative solutions that support and enhance Wyoming’s economy and workforce.

The Laramie Boomerang interviewed UW economist Jason Shogren for an article, titled “Revitalizing Laramie’s Economy.”

SeedQuest and KGAB Radio published UW’s release on Associate Professor Daniel Laughlin’s research on the specific traits of a plant’s roots that determine the climatic conditions under which a particular plant prevails. The work sheds light on this relationship -- and challenges the nature of ecological trade-offs. interviewed Ed Sherline, a UW associate professor of philosophy, about his rephotography project of the glaciers in the Wind River Mountains. Sherline is matching his photos with those captured by glaciologist Mark Meier, who originally documented Wind River ice in 1950.

UW Professor Craig Benkman’s studies on crossbills were mentioned in a recent edition of’s “Living the Wild Life” column.

UW Libraries has partnered with Wyoming’s community colleges, the Wyoming State Library and county libraries to provide access to e-content provider OverDrive. Sheridan Media and The Wyoming Tribune Eagle published UW’s release.

The Wyoming Tribune Eagle reported that the first group of students participated in UW Extension’s ranch camp last month at the Broadbent Ranch near Evanston.

Seven UW students will receive hands-on training in place-based science education with Teton Science Schools this summer as part of the Storer Scholars Program. The Sheridan Press published UW’s release.

SweetwaterNOW and The Rocket Miner published UW’s release noting that four students from Sweetwater County graduated from the Wyoming-WWAMI Medical Education Program. A total of 21 Wyoming students completed the program. The Gillette News Record and The Sheridan Press published similar articles.

UW Athletics Director Tom Burman said in a Wyoming Tribune Eagle interview that the athletics department faces a $3 million budget shortfall caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.




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Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929


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