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Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
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UW in the News

State, national and international media frequently feature the University of Wyoming and members of its community in stories. Here is a summary of some of the recent coverage:

The Jackson Hole News & Guide included comments from UW’s Kevin Monteith, a Wyoming Excellence Chair, in an article detailing the high mortality rate of mule deer due to harsh winter conditions that have decimated western Wyoming herds. The Casper Star-Tribune (CS-T), Cowboy State Daily, Bigfoot 99 Radio and The Kemmerer Gazette published related articles that mentioned Monteith.

UW College of Law Professor George Mocsary co-wrote an opinion piece in The Hill titled “Could the Supreme Court help protect the First Amendment from regulatory abuse?” Mocsary -- co-founder and director of UW’s Firearms Research Center -- is a nationally recognized Second Amendment expert.

Cowboy State Daily interviewed Mocsary about his recently submitted amicus brief that urges the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the National Rifle Association’s ability to do business with banks and insurance companies. Mocsary, who advised the U.S. Supreme Court in a 2022 landmark gun-rights case, co-filed the brief with Brian Knight, a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center.

The Washington Post interviewed John Koprowski, dean of the UW Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, for an article titled “Massive waves of squirrels once roamed America. No one knows why.” Koprowski is an international squirrel expert.

MSN republished an Outdoor Life piece in which Matt Kauffman, head of the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at UW, was among wildlife experts discussing what wild game species have the best chance of surviving climate change.

The CS-T interviewed Ryan Webb, a UW assistant professor of civil engineering who studies snow hydrology, for an article on the storm that dumped snow on central Wyoming and broke records in the Casper area last week.

Wyoming Public Radio noted that April is Deaf History Month, but the Cowboy State lacks the resources to observe it. Esther Hartsky, an assistant lecturer in the UW Division of Communication Disorders and an American Sign Language instructor, was interviewed for the segment.

The Wyoming Tribune Eagle and The Sheridan Press noted that UW’s Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources and the Wyoming Outdoor Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Initiative will host an emerging issues forum later this month in Laramie.

WyoToday Media published UW’s release noting that former UW graduate student Cassidee Thornhill’s research is part of new findings on earlier Indigenous use of horses in the West. Buckrail published a similar article.

Oil City News published UW’s release noting that Derek Scasta, UW Extension rangeland management specialist, created the “Taming Toxic Plants” YouTube series to help ranchers identify plants that are toxic to livestock.

The Powell Tribune published UW’s release announcing that a “UW in Your Community” gathering will take place April 18 in Cody.

The UW Symphony Orchestra will perform in three Wyoming communities this week, according to Buckrail, Oil City News and The Sublette Examiner.

WyoToday Media published UW’s release noting that UW and the Wind River Visitors Council will host an Intertribal Tourism Summit in Fremont County later this month.

The Wyoming Tribune Eagle published UW Extension’s release announcing that UW Extension has partnered with AmeriCorps to offer part-time community service opportunities in county offices across the state and on the Wind River Indian Reservation.

The Wyoming Tribune Eagle also published UW’s release noting that the Alpha Chapter of Wyoming at UW has selected 36 new members for the Phi Beta Kappa honor society.

Contact Us

Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929


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