Large computing proposal requests for the use of WNA must
1. Have scientific merit. If a proposal has been peer-reviewed and has received an NSF or other Federal agency grant, then it will be deemed to have scientific merit. Proposals funded by a Wyoming State agency are subject to review processes conducted by UW or the State agency and, if approved for funding by the State agency, will be deemed to have scientific merit. Requests without merit-reviewed support will have their scientific merit reviewed by the allocation committee, in addition to the computational merit. If the WRAP co-chairs feel the WRAP does not have sufficient expertise in the field in question, the WRAP co-chairs shall solicit external reviews of the science to determine scientific merit.
2. Focus on research or support HPC curricula related to science areas that are of substantial interest to the WNA. A list of identified areas is provided below. The WNA may modify this list from time to time, as it deems appropriate and subject to NSF approval
3. Include UW researchers as substantial collaborator of the qualifying grant or, in the event of unfunded projects, principal collaborators in the scientific activity.