Advising Week Information

Departmental Advising Personnel

Philosophy Advisor:

All Majors & Minors - Rob Colter

Religious Studies Advisor:

All Majors & Minors - Tyler Fall

Prepare for Advising Week

Advising in A&S - refer to this website for more information on approved A&S Core classes, Non-Western classes, clubs, scholarships, etc.


Dr. Fall & Rob Colter will not meet with you unless you arrive with the following steps completed:

1. Look at a copy of the Class Schedule for the relevant semester from the Registrar’s Office. Remember, the schedule is available only on the web.

2.  Inspect your degree evaluation and BRING to your scheduled appointment time (available online via WyoWeb->Banner Self-Service->Student-information menu).  See if there are any discrepancies between what you think you’ve done and what the University thinks you’ve done.  See what requirements you have remaining.

3.  Compile a list of courses that you need to graduate (based on the most recent degree evaluation) and/or are interested in taking.

4.  Of those courses, check the Class Schedule to see if they are being offered, and if so, the specific times.  

5.  Go online.  The Class Schedule does not provide course descriptions.  Current course descriptions for most departments and programs can be found by going to the relevant department/program.  Also, don’t hesitate to contact the instructor if you want further information about a course.

6. If the class has pre-requisites, take the appropriate steps to meet the pre-requisites (such as sign up for the required course).

7.  Write out a tentative schedule and BRING to your scheduled appointment time. For your assistance, click for a Course Schedule Form.

8.  Ask your advisor questions about anything you don’t understand or are concerned about.

9.  Check to make sure that the University has up to date contact information, and an up to date expected graduation date (this is especially important for seniors).

10. We look forward to seeing you!

Contact Us

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Ross Hall Rm. #223

1000 E. University Ave.

Dept. #3392

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3204



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