Office of the Registrar
167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5272
Fax: (307) 766-3960
Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Bobby Ratteree, Associate Registrar
Johnathan Despain, Associate Registrar
Please be aware that we are in the process of converting to online forms to help students, faculty, and staff maintain a consistent experience. Please see individual forms to see instructions on that individual process and the form required, as this may change as our forms are converted and/or updated. For any questions please contact the Office of the Registrar at and our staff will assist you.
If you are a graduate student, please refer to the Graduate Forms and Guidelines page.
Forms generally take 2-5 business days to process. Petitions take a minimum of 5 business days to complete with many taking longer to compile approvals and signatures. You are responsible for tracking your petition and/or canceling it if necessary. Once a petition is in progress, it can be canceled only by contacting the Office of the Registrar at 307-766-5272 or by email at Submission of the appropriate request or petition does not guarantee approval.
Please read through the descriptions below to find the appropriate form or petition for your request. The description and/or the form will instruct the proper format and submission method (some forms are fully online, some are PDFs that will need to be emailed back to our office). If you have any questions about which form is most appropriate, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 307-766-5272 or by email at
Academic Reinstatements are managed through the Advising, Career, and Exploratory Studies Center (ACES), and are for students who are looking to return after an academic suspension. Follow the button to learn more about the steps to complete for Reinstatement.
Undergraduate students who return to the University of Wyoming after taking no UW courses for a period of five years have the option of continuing their previous UW cumulative GPA or commencing a new UW cumulative GPA (“academic renewal”). Interested students must submit this form, signed by their advisor and department head, to the Registrar once the semester has begun but not later than 10 class days before the last day of classes of the semester in which they return to UW.
Students wishing to add a course after the Add Deadline (see Academic Calendar for dates) will need to complete an Exception Request Form. When completing the form, under Request select Add a Course. Be sure to include the Subject, Course Number, and if applicable Section Number (for example, MATH 1400-01) in your request to aid in getting approval for the correct course. It is also important to include why you were unable to register prior to the add deadline.
As a part of the process to graduate, you must declare your Graduation Date through WyoWeb. If you are unsure if you have completed this process, please proceed to step 10 in the instructions for how to view your anticipated graduation date in your Degree Evaluation through WyoRecords (if the Graduation Application is blank, then you need to declare your graduation date). If you have previously completed the form and need to update either the date or the address we are to send your diploma, email those updates with your W# (student ID number) to
There are circumstances where a student may receive an incomplete grade. This is established with the instructor of the course, and will include a plan of when the remaining coursework will be completed (within 120 days). Until the coursework is completed, the student will receive a grade of an "I" on their record, which will be updated once the instructor issues a final grade. To seek an incomplete, please discuss your situation with your instructor.
To change the number of credits taken for a variable credit course prior to the Withdraw Date (see Academic Administrative Calendar) of that term, please follow the PDF instructions to Change Variable Credit Course Credits in WyoWeb. To petition to do so after the Withdraw date for the term please submit an Exception Request form and select Change in Number of Credits for a Course as the request. Be sure to include the term, the subject, and the course number of the course being petitioned to change as well as the new credit hour amount.
This form is to be used when changing (add/remove/switch) majors, minors, certificates, and concentrations. It is also the petition used to change from one campus to another (for example, from the Laramie/Main campus to Online/Distance campus). When completing the form, be sure to clearly indicate the change(s) being made. If the information does not clearly have a space, please feel free to add context in any line to help in ensuring the request is clear.
Students have the option to take pre-approved tests to gain credit toward their degree for a fee. These credits often fulfill the language requirements of some degrees. If a student has already attempted to take classes in the subject of the test, the credits are not viable. For more information and approval of the credits by exam, see the Office of the Registrar.
To drop a course prior to the Drop Deadline (see Academic Administrative Calendar), please see How to Drop via WyoWeb. If there is a hold on the account preventing the use of WyoWeb, then an email can be sent to the Office of the Registrar at with the student's ID number, and the Subject and Number of the course being dropped. To request to Drop a Course after the Drop Deadline, submit an exception request form. In the form, be sure to indicate the Subject and Course number of the course you wish to drop. Please also be sure to include a description of why the course was not able to be dropped before the deadline. Students wishing to drop multiple courses will need to submit a separate petition for each course.
An Enrollment Verification is a form we send out to indicate that someone is registered for classes at UW. These are used by loan and scholarship providers, as well as insurance companies and others to prove a student is enrolled. The form can also indicate if the student is registered for the next term by selecting the Pre-Registration option. When filling out the form, please read through all the options to ensure everything needed is included. To submit, fill out the form and email to or stop by the Office of the Registrar in-person in Knight Hall.
The Exception Request Form is used for many of the processes which require the approval of multiple stakeholders, including advisors, instructors, department heads, and deans. The form allows the student to submit the request online, and receive updates as the form is sent through the appropriate approval spaces. Here is a complete list of everything the Exception Request is used for (see various entries throughout this list for more information when submitting the specific request):
Occasionally, with how the Final's Week Schedule is generated, there are conflicts within a student's schedule. As soon as the student is aware of the issue, a Exception Request should be submitted to ensure the conflict is resolved well before final's week starts. When completing the Exception Request, the student will select Final Exam Conflict as the request type. Then the student will need to the Subject and Course Number for both courses. It is best to include the information for both courses in the Explanation section to ensure the request is clearly stated.
If a student wishing to change their name works for UW in any capacity (GA, Workstudy, etc.), they will need to contact Human Resources to make that change. More information can be found on the HR Records Management site or by contacting them at If a student is not a UW employee, they can request to change their name with the Name Change Request form. They can also request to change their UW username, though this process will require approval through IT and takes a bit longer to complete. To submit the form, the student will send the completed and signed form to
Students wishing to take more than their allowed number of credits for any given semester will submit an Exception Request form. The form does not have a specific designation for Overload, so the student will need to select Other as the request, and in the Request Other box say Overload. The student will then need to explain why they need to take over the amount of credits with a brief explanation of how they plan to stay up with the work load.
Students wishing to register for, drop, or withdraw from courses during the normal periods (see Academic Administrative Calendar) can perform these actions through WyoWeb. A full list of instructions are listed on the Registration Information webpage. All questions about the registration process can be sent to
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, protects the privacy of educational records and establishes the students’ rights to inspect their education records. Certain directory information is considered public and may be disclosed by the university in response to inquiries concerning individual students (see our FERPA page for more information and a list of directory information). Students who prefer that directory information not be disclosed to anyone other than university officials with a legitimate educational interest, may submit this signed form to the Office of the Registrar no later than seven working days from the first day of classes for the fall semester in order for the student’s name to not appear in the Campus Directory. Once filed, however, this request becomes a permanent part of the student’s record until the student instructs the Office of the Registrar in writing to have their request removed. Please review the FERPA page and the Request for Privacy Form for more information.
Graduate level coursework taken within 12 months prior to completing the baccalaureate degree or during the last semester in-residence prior to completing the baccalaureate degree, but not included in that degree’s requirements, may be reserved for graduate credit when approved by the student’s advisor, the course instructor, and the college dean. If a course is dual listed at the 4000/5000-level, the course must be taken at the 5000-level to receive graduate credit. To reserve coursework for graduate credit, student must be enrolled in the course and this form must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by mid-term of the semester in which the course(s) is taken. Requests for retroactive reserve for graduate credit will NOT be approved.
Students who wish to take two courses where the times overlap may submit an Exception Request form. Prior to submitting the form, the student will need to contact the instructors for both courses to ensure a plan is in place to ensure the student is receive the full instruction in both courses. When submitting the form, the student should include the Subject, Course Number, and Section Number of each course they wish to add. The best place to add all information is into the explanation section of the form. Once submitted, the request is then sent to both instructors for approval.
As the primary document to show academic coursework and awarded degrees and certifications, there are multiple ways for a student or alumni to request their transcript. For more information on how to request a transcript, please see our Transcripts webpage.
Students wishing to see how their credits will transfer from another accredited higher education institution prior to being enrolled at UW are encouraged to utilize the resources listed on the Pre-Transfer Credit Evaluation page. There they will see how they can submit their unofficial transcripts for review, or request information on specific courses.
Students who believe they have taken a course which covers a USP requirement may submit an Exception Request form to request a review of that course toward that requirement. Select USP-Petition for the request, and be sure to include the information for the USP being petitioned and the course being used to cover it. It is best to also attach the syllabus of the course in question to the request as this generally required as a part of the evaluation process.
Students wishing to withdraw from a course prior to the withdraw deadline (see Academic Administrative Calendar) are able to do so through WyoWeb by following the Withdraw from Courses instruction guide. Students wishing to withdraw from a course after the withdraw deadline will need to complete the Exception Request form. For the request, select Withdraw from a Course (After the Deadline), and be sure to include the Subject and Course Number of the course wished to be dropped. A separate exception request will need to be completed for each course wished to be withdrawn from. If the requested course is the only remaining course the student is taking during an active term, the student will need to contact the Dean of Students Office to complete an All-School Withdrawal Process.
Office of the Registrar
167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5272
Fax: (307) 766-3960
Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Bobby Ratteree, Associate Registrar
Johnathan Despain, Associate Registrar