Please note that not all trainings have final date/time/location settings. Please contact the appropriate REDD office (e.g., Compliance, CEI, ROAMWyo) for finalized event information.
02/06/2025 - Startup Lunch & Learn: Legal Formations, IP Protection, and Grants. 12:00-1:00 PM MST. Wyoming Technology Business Center Room 104 or via zoom; Register online at
02/06/2025 - EU Funding Workshop for UW Researchers, Introduction to EU Funding. 9:00 AM MST - Register online for Teams meeting link: (Code: nR37Lp3T)
02/12/2025 - Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Seminar, Ethics for Undergrads. 12:10-1:10pm - Classroom Building 209, Register online at; Zoom link:
02/13/2025 - EU Funding Workshop for UW Researchers, Proposal Development. 9:00 AM MST - Register online for Teams meeting link: (Code: nR37Lp3T)
02/17/2025 - IACUC Compliance Talk and Q&A session. 12:00 - 1:00 pm - Classroom Building 209 or via Zoom Register online at; Zoom link:
02/20/2025 - Startup Lunch & Learn: Startup Lunch & Learn: Mentorship, Business Advising and Business Counseling Resources. 12:00-1:00 PM MST. Wyoming Technology Business Center Room 104 or via zoom; Register online at
03/12/2025 - Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Seminar, Laboratory Safety. 12:10-1:10pm - Classroom Building 209, Register online at; Zoom link:
03/27/2025 - Startup Lunch & Learn: Market Research, Marketing & Branding Basics. 12:00-1:00 PM MST. Wyoming Technology Business Center Room 104 or via zoom; Register online at
03/27/2025 - ROAMWyo Sponsored Projects. 2:30-4:30 PM MST, location TBD
DATE TBD - Award Compliance Training. location/time TBD
04/09/2025 - Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Seminar, Rigor & Reproducibility. 12:10-1:10pm - Classroom Building 209, Register online at; Zoom link:
DATE TBD - Award Compliance Training, Human Subjects Research. location/time TBD
05/09/2025 - WRIR Agriculture and Water Symposium. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Central Wyoming College Health and Science Center, Room 100, 2660 Peck Ave., Riverton WY 82501 For information, contact Peyton Loss,
June 2025
06/20/2025 - ROAMWyo Sponsored Projects. 2:30-4:30 PM, location TBD
No events scheduled yet
No events scheduled yet
DATE TBD - Award Compliance Training, Responsible Conduct of Research for Students. location/time TBD
DATE TBD - Award Compliance Training, Export Controls. location//time TBD
No events scheduled yet
No events scheduled yet
NSF I-Corps trainings offered Fall and Spring Terms. It is offered in-person here at the university. Steve Hanlon and Robert Macy are the instructors.
This immersive, four-week “experiential training program prepares scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the university laboratory — accelerating the economic and societal benefits of NSF-funded and other basic research projects that are ready to move toward commercialization.”
Graduate Technology Commercialization Fellows Program offered in the Spring Term. In-person fellowship program for graduate students.
Interdisciplinary teams of graduate students learn technology transfer and commercialization techniques. Teams are paired with university technology startups, and/or patents from the university patent portfolio, to further commercialize these technologies.
Collegiate Entrepreneurship Organization (Student Club) launching Spring 2025. Will have weekly 30-minute talks and trainings on innovation and entrepreneurship topics. Open to all university students.
Fall Semester Trainings
International Research & Funding Opportunities webinar with Cormack Consulting
UW Foundation – Finding Funding Opportunities
Spring Semester Trainings
Early Career Weekly Seminar Series
11/6/24 - Export Control Training, 12:00 PM, Classroom Building Room 221 and via Zoom
11/13/24 - RCR Authorship & Peer Review, 12:00-1:00 PM, via Zoom; RSVP at
11/21/24 - Clarivite InCites Benchmark & Analytics Training for Faculty, 12:00-1:00 PM, via Teams (for meeting log in, contact Nick Giraldo, )
12/04/24 - PIVOT RP for Arts and Humanities, 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Zoom meeting
12/05/24 - PIVOT RP for STEM, 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Zoom meeting
12/06/24 - PIVOT RP for UW Campus (General), 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Classroom Building 222 and on Zoom
01/17/25 - ROAMWyo Sponsored Projects, 2:30-4:30 PM, location TBD
01/23/25 - Pre-Award Services Budget Development workshop, 2:00-3:30 PM, location TBD
01/29/25 - PIVOT RP for Early Career, 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Zoom meeting