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The Full-Width Navigation Bar is Here!

The Index Page | July 2023 CMS Site Author Newsletter

Add Extra Navigation Usability to Your Site

Site authors have been asking for ways to use a navigation bar on their full-width pages that appears above the H1 page title. We are excited to announce that beginning July 12, 2023, a full-width navigation bar component will be available on all newly built full-width pages.

What does it look like?

This menu appears directly under the masthead on new full-width pages. You can insert up to five (5) links and choose from over 30 icons, and no special coding is required! The yellow navigation bar has a "hover" action when moused over on a desktop and is also mobile responsive. This bar can be seen in action on the UW Admissions site directory.

A screenshot of the UW admissions website


How do I use the new full-width navigation?

All new full-width pages now how the option to turn on this Horiztonal Navigation inside Properties > Parameters. This editable content region will then display inside your edit view directly under the masthead where a new component called Full-Width Horizontal Navigation Bar can be placed. This is how you will add your links and icons.



  • Not Available on Migrated Pages at this Time
    The new navigation bar is only available on new full-width pages and cannot be implemented on migrated pages at this time. Don't worry! You can simply build a replacement page with the navigation bar and replace the contents of your existing page using the Expire feature. This is critical to avoid broken dependency tags while still maintaining your original page's name and URL. If you need to rebuild your page, check out the Expire function tutorial that can help you easily replace the contents of your old page with a new replacement page.

  • Must be Implemented on a Page-by-Page Basis
    This new component is a static navigation concept, meaning it is controlled through the page and not through your _nav.ounav files. This means you will need to implement this on a page-by-page basis.

  • Customizations to the Navigation Bar are Not Permitted
    The navigation bar is intended to be consistent with UW's brand standards. Therefore, customizations are not permitted by site editors on this component.

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