Insert Masthead Image in Page Parameters

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Insert Masthead Image

Step By Step Instructions

Use masthead images like the one above to add interest to your pages!

  1. To add a masthead image to your page, first use the Unviersity of Wyoming photo database to select the image you want to use. 

  2. In the photo database, download your image using the masthead size preset. 

  3. Follow the uploading an image guide to upload your masthead image into the CMS.

  4. Once your photo is uploaded successfully into the CMS, navigate to the properties tab of the page you are insterting the masthead in. 

    Note: Make sure that page is checked out by turning on the lightbulb icon in the top right of the page.

    masthead tutorial image 1

  5. Under "Custom Settings" in the left side menu, navigate to the masthead section. Ensure masthead display is checked to yes, insert your image, and add in alt text for the image. Click save in the top when complete. 

    masthead tutorial image 2

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