*Healthy Aging and Disease Prevention


On this page:


Real-Life Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) provides information on the benefits of exercise, exercises to try, and Go4Life.

Exercise for Seniors
MedlinePlus provides links to many sources of information on exercise and physical activities by the National Institutes of Health and national associations.

How Much Physical Activity Do Older Adults Need?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides basic guidelines for weekly physical activity and a link to Go4Life.

78 Science-backed benefits of weightlifing for seniors from RunRepeat.com

Physical activity is an important part of healthy aging. Check out these articles from the National Institute on Aging to learn the latest on how exercise and physical activity can help you stay healthy as you age. Find tips on how to fit exercise into your daily life safely and get motivated to get moving!

How Much Physical Activity Do Older Adults Need?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention answers the question of How much physical activity do older adults need? Information is also provided on Aerobic Activity and Muscle-strengthening Activities.

Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging
The National Library of Medicine includes topics on Health Tips for Older Adults, Health Screening: MedlinePlus Health Topic, and Activities for All Seasons.

Healthy Aging: CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) include topics such as Healthy Brain Initiative, Healthy Brain Research Network, Data & Statistics, and Clinical Preventative Services.

Health and Aging Information
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) agency has multiple resources on health topics of interest to older adults such as Exercise and Physical Activity, Cognitive Health, and Healthy Eating.

Healthy Aging and Resources


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers information on nutrition and health, from meal planning and prep to choices that can help prevent or manage health conditions and more

Nutrition for Seniors
Compiled by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, this collection of resources for older adults includes information from the National Institutes of Health, federal agencies and national health associations.

Food and Nutrition Information Center
The National Agriculture Library created and maintains a nutritional resources including 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Dietary Reference Intakes, and Evaluating Health Information.

Using the Nutrition Facts Table: A How-To Guide for Older Adults
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration provides older adults with an overview of the nutrition label on food containers, and what nutritional information is of importance for seniors.

Choosing Healthy Meals as You Get Older 
The National Institute on Aging includes 10 tips for older adults to choose healthy meals and provides links for more information on healthy meals.

Healthy Eating
The National Institute on Aging includes information on Choosing Healthy Meals As You Get Older, Know Your Food Groups, Smart Food Choices for Healthy Aging, and Overcoming Roadblocks to Healthy Eating.

Oral Health

Eldercare at Home: Dental Problems

Oral Health Care
The Academy of General Dentistry provides an article for family members of an older adult living in a nursing home. The debagged also includes links to other articles related to senior oral health.

Taking Care of Your Teeth and Mouth
The National Institute on Aging provides information for older adults. Topics include Tooth Decay, Gum Diseases, Cleaning your Teeth and Gums, Dentures, Dry Mouth, Oral Care, and Finding Low Cost Dental Care.

Dental Care Basics for Seniors (65+),and Types of Dentures & Causes for Treatment from NewMouth.com

Aging Teeth: Your Guide to Maintaining Oral Hygiene as You Age

Smoking Cessation

Quitting Smoking
The National Library of Medicine compiles sources on smoking cessation from government agencies and national associations. Information can also be provided in Spanish.

Quitting Smoking for Older Adults
The National Institute on Aging provides topics on Nicotine is a Drug; Breaking the Addiction; Help with Quitting; Cigars, Pipes, Chewing Tobacco, And Snuff Are Not Safe; Secondhand Smoke is Dangerous; and Good News about Quitting.

Substance Abuse

Drug and Substance Abuse
Heath in Aging provides information on topics such as Basic Facts & Information, Causes & Symptoms, Diagnosis & Tests, Care & Treatment, and Lifestyle & Management. Use the links on the left menu bar to advance through this informational page.

Addiction in the Elderly
The Addiction Center provides an article on addiction in the elderly. Topics include Causes of Addiction in the Elderly, Challenges in Identifying Addiction in the Elderly, and The Dangers of Elderly Substance Abuse.

American Addiction Centers is a leading provider for addiction treatment nationwide, specializing in evidence-based treatment and mental health care offering guides with hotlines as well as support meeting information.

Veteran Substance Abuse: A War on Home Soil for Veterans.  This article will discuss how veteran substance abuse hurts our troops when they return home. And we will discuss the way that we can help them overcome their substance use disorders.


Pain: You Can Get Help, from the National Institute on Aging

Chronic Pain, from Johns Hopkins Medical

Chronic pain last months or years and happens in all parts of the body. It interferes with daily life and can lead to depression and anxiety. The first step in treatment is to find and treat the cause. When that isn’t possible, the most effective approach is a combination of medications, therapies and lifestyle changes.  Learm more from the Cleveland Clinic.

Chronic Pain: What You Need To Know, from the National Institutes of Health.  

Goal: Reduce chronic pain and misuse of prescription pain relievers, from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Sensory Changes

Aging and Your Eyes, from the National Institute on Aging

Healthy Aging Includes Healthy Vision, from the CDC

21 Ways Aging Changes Your Eyes, from the American Academy of Ophthalmology  

Common Eye Diseases & Conditions at https://www.visioncenter.org/conditions/

Eye Exam Cost With & Without Insurance from https://www.visioncenter.org/

Sensory Changes
ConsultGeri provides information on sensory changes in older adults.

Aging Changes in the Senses: MedlinePlus
MedlinePlus provides information on how aging changes the senses.

How the Five Senses Change with Age
The Association of Mature American Citizens provides an article on how senses change with age.

Guide to Hearing Health: Covers loud sounds that should be avoided, tips on protecting your haring health, and answers to the most pressing hearing related questions.

Contact Us

Wyoming Center on Aging

1000 E. University Ave, Dept 3415

Ross Hall, Room 411

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-2829

Fax: (307) 766-2847

Email: wycoa@uwyo.edu