WYNDD (Wyoming Natural Diversity Database) logo over mountain landscape

Species Overlays

Species Overlays

Species overlays produce a list of taxa that may occur in a defined area, based on our observation data, range maps, and predictive distribution models. The list includes the current number of documented observations in the defined area, the most recent documented date of observation within the defined area, and whether or not the species is predicted to occur within or near the defined area.

Requests for species overlays are filled free of charge. Use our Data Request Form to request a species overlay or to request more detailed observations.


Attribute Description
HIGHER_TAX Higher level taxonomy (type of plant, animal)
SCINAME Scientific name of the observed taxon
COMNAME Common name of the observed taxon
NUM_OBS The number of documented observations of taxon within a specified area
LAST_OBS Year of the most recent observation of taxon within a specified area
 DIST_MODEL    Predicted within or near (~1 mi) the request area based on similarity of environmental characteristics present in areas of known occupancy for taxon
Not predicted within the request area, but predicted nearby (~1-2 mi)
Not predicted within or near (~1-2 mi) the request area
No distribution model available
Irregular: taxon is known or strongly suspected to RARELY occupy area in succeeding years; occupancy unpredictable
OCCURRENCE  Regular: taxon is known or strongly suspected to COMMONLY occupy area in succeeding years; predictably present
Pending Range Review: WYNDD and partners need to evaluate the observations and range of this taxon
WYNDD_SOC WYNDD Species of Concern ranking
WY_CONTRIB WYNDD ranking system indicating the contribution of Wyoming populations of a taxon to the rangewide persistence of that taxon
S_RANK Wyoming risk of extirpation, based on a standardized ranking system coordinated by NatureServe
G_RANK Global risk of extirpation, based on a standardized ranking system coordinated by NatureServe
USFWS_ESA Current status under the Endagered Species Act
BLM_WY BLM sensitive status
WGFD_SGCN Wyoming Game and Fish Department Species of Greatest Conservation Need
WGFD_NSS Wyoming Game and Fish Department Native Species Status
USFS_SENS USFS sensitive status, by USFS Region
USFS_SOLC USFS Species of Local Concern designation, by Forest/Grassland
 ORIGIN  Native: taxon is native to area
Nonnative: taxon is not native to area
Pending Range Review: WYNDD and partners need to evaluate the observations and range of this taxon

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