LPA Certification

Upcoming Dates

Our upcoming LPA certification course will be conducted during our 2025 Safety Congress. Please check the Safety Congress page for more details and for confirmation of times and dates regarding this and other programing for the conferenceRegistration is not yet available.

  • When:
    • April 30th, 2025
  • Where:
    • Ramkota Hotel, Casper, WY


Purpose of Certification

To ensure a sub-recipient agency has a fundamental understanding of the requirements in executing state and Federal Highway Administration rules.

Requirements for Certification

The Local Public Agency (LPA) must show a certified staff member when the cooperative agreement is signed. A certified staff member is defined as one that has taken the certification course, passed the final exam, and has the ability to advise on the execution of the project. The certified staff member may be different than the responsible charge.

LPA Class Materials 

Check your LPA Certification Status

Certifications are valid for three years. After the initial three-year period, a one-time extension may be requested by filling out the form below.

To see when your certification expires, click on the Certification Status link below. It will pull up a list of all certified individuals in alphabetical order by last name.  The list is updated within 2 weeks of each certification class and in January. 

The list shows who is currently holding valid LPA Certification and the date the certification expires. If you are not on the list and think you are still valid, please contact us.
Updated 12/10/2024

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