Zoology and Physiology

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources

Spring 2022 Brown Bag Seminar Schedule

The Brown Bag Seminar occurs at 12:00 each Monday in the Berry Center Auditorium with limited available seating to accommodate social distancing protocols or via Zoom.  All interested folks are welcome to attend and participate in the discussion.  The seminars are informal with the intent of stimulating communications regarding planned and ongoing research.  Pizza will not be provided this semester.

Spring 2022 Virtual Brown Bag
24 Speaker: Kristine Wray
Title: Effects of white-nose syndrome on bat activity & arthropod abundance in Southern Wisconsin
7 Speaker: Kathan Bandyopadhyay
Title: Large Carnivore Reintroduction and Conservation: Cheetah Reintroduction in India
28 Speaker: Emily Gelzer
Title: How site fidelity and habitat variability influences consistency in population distribution
7 Speaker: Adam Nelson
Title: Genetic regulation of rodent social organization in a seminatural environment
14 Spring Break no speaker
28 Speaker: Colton Webb
Title: Examining ecological factors limiting the upstream distribution of fishes in the central Rocky Mountain region
4 Speaker: Cody Wallace
Title: The role of memory and learning in ungulate migration
11 Speaker: Christy Bell
Title: Bumble bees of management concern of Wyoming
18 Speaker: Michelle Weschler
Title: Interactions between wind energy and insects
2 Speaker: Marie Pier Poulin
Title: The role of forage availability and sociality in how ungulates interact with highways
9 Finals week
Contact Us

Department of Zoology and Physiology

1000 E. University Ave

Aven Nelson, room 114

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4207

Fax: 307-766-5625

Email: zprequest@uwyo.edu

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