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    Provost's Strategic Investment Fund (not currently active)

    First Provost’s Strategic Investment Fund Collaboratory Awardees Announced

    In Fall 2020, the Office of Academic Affairs announced a call for “collaboratories” from across UW. The goal of the funding call was to promote transdisciplinary, cross-college, Wyoming-wide collaborations addressing the themes of “Accelerating Rural Futures and Resilience – solutions that will help rural areas to survive and thrive in the coming years by tapping into their economic and cultural potential; leveraging local assets and amenities; and harnessing diverse, entrepreneurial, innovative, and multifaceted viewpoints and talents to envision and get to a prosperous future”; and “Digital, Computation, and Data Acceleration - effective and innovative approaches to solving grand challenges of Wyoming and the region using computational and data science, AI, and big data.” The collaboratories were to be drawn from teams across multiple colleges and demonstrate how they will use design thinking to harness UW’s existing human capital and institutional capacities to advance understanding of, and provide tangible solutions to, targeted problems. They also had to demonstrate how they would provide undergraduate and graduate students with a platform for learning how to engage with societal challenges and how to translate knowledge into action. Finally, teams, where appropriate, had to demonstrate how they would incorporate deep and sustained two‐way engagement with external communities and organizations, including Wyoming NGO’s, nonprofits, businesses, governmental entities and international partners.

    The call was responded to by 35 interdisciplinary teams of faculty, spanning every UW college and multiple community college, community, nonprofit, Wyoming government, and private partnerships. The submissions were evaluated by a team including Interim Provost Anne Alexander; UW President Ed Seidel; Vice President for Research and Economic Development Ed Synakowski, Professor of Education Leigh Ann Hall; Associate Professor of English Kent Drummond; Kevin Monteith, Associate Professor in the Haub School; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering John Pierre, and Barbara Rasco, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources All 35 submissions were high quality and the competition was fierce. Ten collaboratories were selected based on their multidimensional benefits to UW and Wyoming, their focus on the themes of the competition, and their engagement with students and external partners. They are summarized below.

    Faculty Leads Amy Banic (College of Engineering and Applied Science: Computer Science), Justin Piccorelli (College of Arts & Sciences: Public Administration),Tiger Robison (College of Arts & Sciences: Music), and Emma-Jane Alexander (School of Energy Resources: Shell 3D Visualization Center)

    Distance learning technologies bridge geographic barriers, and conveniently serve students in their homes, but our existing technologies do not allow for the same rich level of human connection that can be found through an in-person class. In hybrid courses, remote students lack access to subtle non-verbal and proxemic cues and the capacity to engage in a conversation that those in-person have, and this difference creates a gap. Technological meditation, in this way, can serve to limit what can be shared and experienced (Piccorelli &Stivers, 2019). But, a new platform for learning technology that leverages Artificial Intelligence, concepts from a philosophy of listening (Levin, 1989), and experience-based pedagogical insights can help ensure equity and inclusiveness, strengthen virtual presence, and realize the potential of classroom discussions in hybrid classrooms. In the midst of the global pandemic, people are aware that tele-conferencing systems lack the capacity to capture many of the nuances of in-person instruction including, eye contact, non-verbal directional information, proxemic cues, and other aspects that increase a sense of co-presence across technology platforms and in the classroom. There is a critical need for a platform that can connect rural and other populations in need with learning that is comparable to high-quality in-person instruction. The Human-Centered AI learning platform addresses this problem through the design of a platform that involves artificial intelligence applied to data from distant learners, in-person learners, holographic representations, and avatars to push the limits of distance and current tele-conference technology.

    To enhance the hybrid and virtual learning environments our team will design a learning platform which couples together (1) an existing model of artificial intelligence and machine learning with (2) a pedagogical approach rooted in the philosophic principles of listening (Levin, 1989), (3) research, measurement and analysis of engagement and virtual presence, and finally (4) insights and experiences from both instructors and students experienced in hybrid and distance-based classrooms.

    Faculty Leads Gary Beauvais (Director, Wyoming Natural Diversity Database), Caskey Russell (College of Arts and Sciences: Director, Native American and Indigenous Studies), and Reinette Tendore (Director, Native American Education, Research, and Cultural Center)

    Wildlife, plants, and natural landscapes are fundamental cultural elements in the Rocky Mountain region, and UW supports discussions and decision-making regarding these elements in many ways. WYNDD is one of the most important and useful sources of information about the plants and animals that live in Wyoming - in 2020, WYNDD received ca. 20,000 requests for plant and animal information from constituents across the spectrum of natural resource conservation, management, and development. Meeting this demand requires careful attention to the system of names by which each species is known. Users query WYNDD using species names that have meaning to them, and WYNDD translates those names to its base taxonomic naming scheme to extract appropriate information and present it back to the requester.

    At present, the WYNDD information system includes Latin scientific names and English common names, which effectively communicates with many constituents. This is typical of almost all university-and agency-based information portals dealing with plants and animals. However, that exclusively-western cultural perspective marginalizes the knowledge of indigenous cultures in the region. Indigenous peoples know and value plants and animals by particular names, and their perspective, as signaled and captured in those names, is undeniably important to the full understanding of species and of natural resources in general. Adding these names to the WYNDD information flow will emphasize wider and richer views of plants and animals to all constituents.

    The project proposed here will expand the information that WYNDD provides by integrating the names by which the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho peoples know Wyoming plants and animals into WYNDD products and services. It will create an enduring collaboration between WYNDD, NAIS, and NAERCC to create, support, and work with teams of students and elders from each tribe to document and record native species names, enroll those names into the base naming scheme used by WYNDD, and present those names alongside Latin and English names to all constituents and partners.

    Faculty Lead Brian A. Mealor (College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Sheridan Research and Extension Center, Institute for Managing Annual Grasses Invading Natural Ecosystem, Department of Plant Sciences) in collaboration with: Wyoming Natural Diversity Database (WyNDD), Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center (WyGISC), Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Wyoming Weed and Pest Council, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Northeast Wyoming Invasive Grasses Working Group, and others.

    Solidifying partnerships among UW units and external partners for the newly approved Institute for Managing Annual Grasses Invading Natural Ecosystems (IMAGINE) is vital. In direct response to a need expressed by a diverse representation of the State of Wyoming (through the Governor’s Invasive Species Initiative), this proposal seeks partial support to establish a collaborative, spatially-distributed data acquisition, sharing, and analysis network focused on invasive plant species in Wyoming. In alignment with IMAGINE’s focus, partners will pilot this network using a subset of invasive plants – annual grasses – as a proof of concept for this data-focused collaboration aimed at transforming strategic weed management and minimizing the science-practice gap.

    Invasive annual grasses may be the most widespread, pervasive resource issue for ranchers and wildlife and recreational enthusiasts, with a footprint estimated well into the millions of acres in Wyoming. Continuing to expand at an alarming rate, they alternative rangeland species composition and wildlife habitat, increasing threats to species like the Greater sage-grouse and mule deer, soil microbial communities, and forage quantity and quality. It may be argued that the realized impacts of annual grass invasion in western rangelands are greater than current impacts of global climate change in terms of productivity, altered species diversity, and concomitant threats such as increased fire frequency. These invasive plant species uniquely impact Wyoming’s three primary economic drivers: energy extraction, tourism, and agriculture. Invasive annual grasses have risen to the forefront of natural resources issues – the National Invasive Species Council Secretariat, Western Governors Association, Wyoming Governor’s Office, and other entities have all recently implemented programs focused on developing better strategies for their management.

    Invasive plants negatively impact local economies directly and indirectly. Reduce agricultural production, coupled with higher costs of management lead to reduced revenues generated from that sector. Invasive plants are a primary challenge associated with reclamation following surface disturbance from energy extraction industries. Invasive grasses, in particular, exacerbate wildfire risks and may lead to exceedances of surface disturbance caps in area with oil and gas development – further restricting ability to expand production capacity. Improving our state’s ability to effectively and economically reduce invasive plant impacts will enhance our local economies. The proposed collaborative project seeks to increase innovation and use of large-scale but high resolution data to enhance invasive plant science and management in Wyoming. Although land management is “an art and a science,” this proposal has the potential to meaningfully transform our ability to understand, predict outcomes, and manage invasive plants at meaningful scales.

    Faculty Lead Soheil Saraji (College of Engineering and Applied Science: Petroleum Engineering). Collaborating Faculty Mike Borowczak (College of Engineering and Applied Science: Computer Science), Christelle Khalaf (Associate Director, Centre for Business and Economic Analysis), Alison K Mercier (College of Education: School of Teacher Education), J. Fred McLaughlin (School of Energy Resources), and Bradley James Rettler (Arts and Sciences: Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies)

    Faced with challenges at the nexus of climate change and energy, advanced digital technologies such as Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Applications, and Internet of Things (IoT) provide unique opportunities for Wyoming, a state at the forefront of Blockchain legislation. Against this background, UW is well-positioned to leverage its capacities to provide innovative research on the applications of these new technologies. By convening a team of interdisciplinary researchers across multiple colleges, this project aims to (1) develop next-generation secure digital platforms, (2) provide UW students with opportunities to gain in-demand skills, (3) engage stakeholders, especially within the energy industry, on a collaborative digital platform, and (4) promote sustainable energy production, transport, and consumption via secure decentralized monitoring and control systems. Coupled with an intensive plan for technology development, the project will establish a robust outreach initiative with a focus on the K-12 student population. While the team's initial undertaking outlined in this proposal focuses on a blockchain-based carbon credit ecosystem, the applications of the aforementioned technologies extend into many other realms, e.g., supply chain, medical records, tax collections. With such wide-ranging applications, there is a need for continued long term research. As such, building on the seed fund potentially provided by the Provost’s Strategic Investment Fund, the research team will pursue support and funding from federal and local governments, fossil fuel industry, and renewable energy industry, among others, in order to establish a new research center at UW that would continue to apply innovative approaches to address challenges existing in communities, the economy, and the environment. We believe this initiative, following research priorities outlined by the UW President Seidel, and in conjunction with the unique legal framework established by the State of Wyoming, will position UW as a world-leading institute in Energy-Blockchain integration.

    In the first stage of this initiative, we will perform a pilot project to establish the proof of concept. We aim to create a Carbon Credit Ecosystem using smart contracts that operate in conjunction with blockchain technology in order to bring more transparency, accessibility, liquidity, and standardization to carbon markets. This ecosystem includes a tokenization mechanism to securely digitize carbon credits with clear minting and burning protocols, a transparent mechanism for distribution of tokens, a free automated market maker for trading the carbon tokens, and mechanisms to engage all stakeholders, including the energy industry, project verifiers, liquidity providers, NGOs, concerned citizens, and governments. This approach could be used in a variety of other credit/trading systems.

    Faculty Lead: Tiger Robison (Assistant Professor, Music Education). Collaborating Faculty: Saman Aryana (Chemical Engineering), Diana Baumbach (Visual Arts), Diksha Shukla (Computer Science), Amy Banic (Computer Science), Mark Bittner (Early Childhood Education), Margaret Wilson (Theatre and Dance).

    We wish to help all young children in Wyoming have equitable access to learning opportunities in Computational Thinking (CT), namely decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithmic thinking. These skills are essential for STEAM fields but they also permeate most disciplines, executive function in children, and critical thinking skills necessary for rural futures and resilience. We aim to do so through mobile STEAM kits that help students realize the rich geological and cultural resources already available to them. Our approach is at the intersection of place-based education, arts integration, asset-based (not deficit-based) methods, and culturally grounded pedagogy.

    More specifically, we have three components to this project. First, we wish to develop mobile STEAM kits we can send to and from communities in Wyoming. These kits will include objects, samples, tools, and lesson plans related to computational thinking development using the components of natural sciences, geosciences, the arts, and enabling virtual learning. We will draw on students’ prior knowledge, their environments, and their cultural backgrounds to create engaging learning experiences to develop computational thinking. We have a priori designs, but we will also modify and add to the kits as we gain creations from children across the state, particularly any information that would help honor their cultures and places.

    Second, we wish to create a free and open online repository for Wyoming students. The cumulative nature of this project means we will soon have a large number of lessons, activities, narratives, and products related to computational thinking made for Wyoming residents by Wyoming residents. A free and open repository of such materials for children will do permanent good in our state. We believe it can serve as a model to the Rocky Mountain West and later, to the country.

    Third, we wish to conduct as many in-person and online field visits from the PIs (as is possible in our current circumstances) to engage with students and their teachers. This component will be very important in the current planning phase so that we may begin the project by listening to Wyoming community stakeholders. More specifically, we have identified the communities of greater Lander and Riverton, WY because of the PIs’ existing relationships there and the potential for new relationships (e.g., more members of the Wind River Reservation communities)

    Faculty Leads Mariah Ehmke, Kristi Hansen, and Anders Van Sandt (College of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Agricultural and Applied Economics), Ginger Paige (College of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Ecosystem Science & Management), Kaatie Cooper and Kristen Landreville (Arts & Sciences: Communications and Journalism), Mary Keller (Arts and & Sciences: Religious Studies), Jacqueline Shinker (Arts & Sciences: Geology and Geophysics) in collaboration with Corrie Knapp (Haub School)

    The goal for work undertaken through this proposal is to assess drought-risk perceptions in Wyoming communities, to position and prepare ourselves for the work of collaborating with communities to identify their perceptions of risk, and adapt and transform in response to water-related natural hazards and climate change impacts.

    Increasing temperatures have a direct impact on Wyoming’s most valuable resource, water, which is integral to Wyoming’s primary economic activities - agriculture, energy, and tourism. Thus, the livelihoods, security, health and well-being of Wyoming communities are intrinsically tied to the future of climate change and associated risks to water resources in our state. While implications of changing climate and water resources run deep through Wyoming’s communities and economy, they also flow to neighboring states with regional and national implications. Wyoming’s unique geographic setting includes the snow-dominated mountainous headwaters for three major river basins in the United States - the Green/Colorado, Snake/Columbia and the Platte/Missouri-Mississippi Rivers. Recent climate change in Wyoming (Shuman, 2012) includes impacts on water resources that range from drought (e.g. Xiao et al., 2018; Udall and Overpeck, 2017), which also plays a role in increased forest fires (Carter et al., 2017 and 2018); to changes in precipitation and snowpack (Nicholson et al., 2018, Pederson et al., 2013); to earlier-than-average spring snowmelt and runoff (Shinker et al., 2010, Stewart, 2009, Stewart et al., 2005). Such changes in mountainous precipitation and increasing drought conditions means that many of Wyoming’s watersheds are experiencing diminished flows in rivers, especially late in the growing seasons (Shinker et al., 2010) that also contribute to increases in fire activity (Calder et al, 2019). Such environmental changes are projected to continue (Udall and Overpeck, 2017), and will increasingly put Wyoming’s communities at risk to address challenges, prepare for consequences and build resiliency into their livelihoods, health and future prosperity. The Cultivating Community Preparedness (CCP) team has come together over the past several years to address this problem with tools from the social sciences, humanities, environmental and natural resource sciences to act as an outward-facing team to meet this need. Our CCP transdisciplinary process connects local experience and knowledge with UW expertise, toward the goal of co-creating preparedness plans. The first steps, 1) accurate risk assessments, and 2) collaborative community-building outreach, will deliver useful results for adaptation, including entrepreneurial horizons, and resilient community health. For this particular grant application, our focus is water and drought risk. With our expertise in hydrology and climate science, we will develop scenarios of potential watershed futures including the predictable increasing value of water and the uncertainty of hydrological systems in our high elevation, semi-arid territory. Our team’s expertise in social sciences, outreach and extension will utilize such scenarios as communication tools for building community surveys and building relationships via focus group activities to identify drought-risk perceptions of Wyomingites.

    Based on our ongoing, transdisciplinary Cultivating Community Preparedness work, we propose a one-year process of researching and engaging with Wyoming communities in a transformative process to identify risk perceptions associated with drought. Our proposed work is connected to three important regions in Wyoming that have communities and economies intrinsically tied to water: 1) headwaters of the Colorado River Basin including the Green River and Little Snake River; 2) Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE); and 3) the Wind-Bighorn Basin. Our target stakeholders are those most impacted by availability and access to water for municipalities, agriculture, and industry (e.g. energy and tourism). We will focus on key stakeholders in two directions, using 1) a top-down approach by way of surveying municipal water managers; and 2) a bottom-up approach by way of focus groups with community members and water users. By focusing on both water manager and user drought-risk perceptions, we will be able to collect quantitative and qualitative data from two distinct perspectives to identify and measure priorities within and between stakeholder groups related to perceptions of risk, change, and resilience of drought.

    Faculty Lead Thomas A. Grant III PhD (UW Honors College), in collaboration with Joslyn Cassady (UW Honors College), Abby Perry (UW Extension Educator –Rawlins, WY), Kellie Chichester (UW Extension Educator –Lusk, WY), Hudson Hill (UW Extension Educator –Afton, WY)

    UW Extension and the Honors College are collaborating to develop a framework to determine the economic, environmental, and social needs of several rural Wyoming communities and then engage Honors students to complete capstone projects that accelerate the ability of these communities to thrive in a time of great change. UW Extension has offices in every county of the state and directly serves nearly every community in Wyoming. Extension understands the local issues and problems these communities face. Each year the UW Honors College has nearly 200 driven and capable students that complete senior capstone projects. Our goal is to identify local needs, engage students with community needs, and then facilitate completion of student capstone projects that improve the ability of rural communities to adapt and survive in an uncertain future.

    This initiative would benefit students, enhancing their experiential learning, and it would benefit Wyoming communities through the time, intellectual capital, and financial resources students bring to the table, as well as through the convening of disparate stakeholders working together entrepreneurially in the service of innovative, sustainable solutions for Wyoming. As this program really gets underway, it would further the UW pillars and provide undeniable examples of UW’s active contribution to the wellbeing of the state of Wyoming.

    Working with UW Extension Educators in Rawlins, Lusk, and Afton our collaborative team will implement respectful ways to engage with the communities and listen to their needs. Representatives from the Honors College and Extension will attend existing community meetings and convene meetings with targeted community groups, including County Commissioner meetings, 4-H clubs, cattleman and cattlewomen associations, utilities and power cooperatives. The Honors College will explain the objectives of Honors capstone projects and our goal of making the outcome of these projects assist in the communities’ ability to adapt to economic, environmental, and social change.

    Faculty leads: Caroline McCracken Flesher (Center for Global Studies) and Rob Godby (Haub School, College of Business)

    Wyoming’s great advantage in the world is its western allure. The state’s challenge is to transform external investment in the idea of Wyoming into tangible investment in its modern-day assets. Project Overview: This collaboratory draws on UW faculty, colleagues in the state, and the state’s many resources, showcasing them in a short, free, non-degree online course. This course aims to engage international students, and thereby to recruit them to UW. Course members, understanding the quality of UW, the synergy between study and setting, and between Wyoming and its university, will bring an interdisciplinary attitude to any further study. Knowing the complexities of the local, they should be equipped to meet the challenges of the Global. They should be particularly invested in and engaged with Wyoming. By subsequent work in their home countries, or here in Wyoming, they will advance the interests of our state, and build for it new and relevant partnerships on an international stage. Context, collaboration and resilience are our keynotes. The course explores Wyoming’s many assets (cultural, ecological, industrial, governmental), showcased through Wyoming’s university in partnership with statewide stakeholders. It builds on digital, open access trends in international education as well as UW’s commitment to online and digital content delivery, to enhance the state’s global profile. It aligns state need for economic development, UW’s need for international diversity and interdisciplinarity, Wyoming’s remarkable and varied resources, and UW’s renowned faculty. It thereby builds a pipeline for recruitment to UW, and a platform for international students’ long-term engagement with Wyoming, its challenges and needs.

    Project leads Tyler Kerr (EERB Makerspace Coordinator) and Emma-Jane Alexander (3D Viz Center Manager)

    The Pioneer Program will train and connect skilled students with Wyoming entrepreneurs and University of Wyoming facilities through development and implementation of an easy-to-use mobile application, inviting businesses to pose business problems, and connecting them to students to provide the solutions. The experienced team delivering the Pioneer Program are uniquely placed to maintain a truly inclusive and multidisciplinary offering, capitalizing upon the existing robust digital backbone of UW to leverage and advance the rural and distance communities' economic agendas. The strengths of this program are compelling because it directly addresses issues of rural connectively and engagement with UW, by providing a well marketed mobile application to facilitate direct interaction. It elegantly combines the University's Pillars; it is based on digital infrastructure which is statewide (the UW MAP program), It is inclusive of all domains, and it epitomizes the entrepreneurial spirit of UW, its students, and the Wyoming community. It de-risks economic diversification for small businesses by supporting the evaluation of experimental pilot projects It directly facilitates reciprocal synergy between UW, the community, students, and businesses. The Pioneer Program will build a team of “Pioneers”, undergraduate and graduate students trained in over 70 existing emergent technology competencies, and match those selected with the regional businesses seeking assistance.

    The primary goal of this project-based, competency-driven program is to develop a network that connects Wyoming businesses seeking help with innovative projects with students whose academic experiences have helped them develop design thinking mindsets, collaborative, and interdisciplinary approaches to work, and proven technological skills. Through the Pioneer Program, undergraduate and postgraduate students will learn how to engage with societal and marketplace challenges, translating their knowledge into innovative solutions that support a growing and diversified Wyoming economy. Students will earn credentials as they demonstrate relevant program skills that include client liaison, project team coordination, and agile design thinking skills. For businesses across Wyoming, the Pioneer Program will fill an important niche in Wyoming’s rural and urban economic development that aligns with Wyoming Innovation Network (WIN) objectives by providing low barrier access to critical emergent technologies as well as tangible, targeted, high-value solutions to submitted entrepreneurial projects.

    Faculty Leads Robert S. Colter (College of Arts & Sciences: Philosophy), Kym Codallos (College of Health Sciences: Social Work), Tiger Robison (College of Arts & Sciences: Music), Daniel Fetsco (College of Arts & Sciences: Criminal Justice)

    Wyoming Pathways from Prison (WPfP) is a multidisciplinary team of volunteer UW faculty members, staff, and students who volunteer their time to provide high quality college courses and supportive services to incarcerated women and men at no cost. We do this work because we believe strongly in the power of education to transform lives, both within and outside prison walls, by creating opportunities for skill-building, intellectual development, personal growth, and self-reflection. Since 2017, we have harnessed UW’s existing human capital to serve over 300 students (of a total incarcerated population of approximately 2200) across the five facilities in the Wyoming Department of Corrections. Credit hours are currently provided by members of the community college system in Wyoming, particularly Eastern Wyoming College and Central Wyoming College. There is a critical need for empirical data and best practices of the most effective means by which prisons can provide programming to: reduce recidivism, break the cycle of intergenerational poverty, lower the costs of incarceration for states (approximately $40,000 annually per inmate in Wyoming); and give prisoners’ children the best possible start to their lives. Our long-term goal is to build each correctional facility’s capacity to offer high quality education to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people by harnessing the goodwill of UW’s faculty, staff, and students to further build a platform for engagement learning and action towards this societal challenge.

    WPfP already incorporates deep and sustained two-way engagement with external communities and organizations, including Wyoming Department of Corrections (DOC), the University Prison Project, and the Wyoming Arts Council. We aim to scale up these connections upon successful funding. We have been awarded modest grant monies from charitable arms of corporations and non-profit organizations (e.g., Microsoft, Wyoming Arts Council). However, we have received feedback from committee members of larger non-profit organizations (e.g., The Mellon Foundation) that they would like to see UW buy-in before investing in WPfP.

    We are seeking to address the focus “accelerating rural futures and resilience” by leveraging local assets and amenities to tap into communities’ economic and cultural potential through entrepreneurial and multifaceted viewpoints. In short, incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people in Wyoming are eager to better themselves and their communities through education, to the benefit of all parties (the vast majority of women in the Wyoming Women’s Center will leave the center and return to their communities, for example). Likewise, UW faculty, staff, and students are eager to work with these parties in a mutually beneficial arrangement. Incarcerated and formerly incarcerated populations help form rich opportunities outlined in this call, including all three items of impact on faculty, student or research success; community engagement; and fiscal return.

    We are seeking funds to help ensure a permanent learning apparatus among UW and the DOC facilities through distance learning equipment (computer tablets, video equipment), modest instructor stipends (akin to adjunct wages per credit), and expenses for in-person instruction.

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    Laramie, WY 82071

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