Wool Judging Coaches

Whit Stewart


Dr. Whit Stewart

Head Coach

Contact Info: whit.stewart@uwyo.edu  

Associate Professor of Sheep Production

Extension Sheep Specialist

Why should students participate on the Wool Judging Team?

Wyoming ranks 4th nationally in total sheep numbers, 3rd in breeding sheep and 1st in both total wool production and value (USDA-NASS, 2017). In an era where consumers want to know where their food and fiber comes from; Wyoming has an important story to tell when it comes to lamb and wool.

Students who enroll and participate in the wool judging program develop translation skills in analytical thinking, effective communication, team work, and personal improvement. Additionally the inter-collegiate wool judging format teaches industry-based wool evaluation techniques that translate into marketable skills within the industry. Past participants have used wool evaluation skills in sheep production and selection, wool buying, and state fair wool exhibitions. Team members also have the opportunity to work with WY 4-H and FFA wool judging teams assisting in clinics and invitational contests on campus and throughout the state.





Dylan Laverell

Head Coach

Contact Info: dlaverel@uwyo.edu 

Class Standing: Research Assistant/ M.S. Candidate

Why should students participate on the Wool Judging Team?

Students wanting to grow their professional skills, like decision making, oral reasoning and presentation skills should strongly consider participating in any of the Department of Animal Science judging teams. Wool judging is an avenue for students refine these "soft" skills and to participate in the greater campus community. No experience is necessary in either judging or wool, just a willing-to-learn attitude! 


Dylan Laverell