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Anthropology Department

12th and Lewis Streets

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5136


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UW Anthropology Graduate Education

Graduate Student Scholarships

George C. Frison Scholarship

Available to: Undergraduate or graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Preference to students interested in anthropology.
Provided by: Arts and Sciences Board of Visitors and contributions.
Number of awards: Varies.
Value: Varies.
Selected by: Department Faculty committee
Information from: Anthropology Department, Anthropology Building
Other instructions: Accepted Jan 1 to April 30.

Go online here for this scholarship.


George C. Frison Wyoming Archaeological Society Scholarship

Available to: Graduate students in anthropology, preferably specializing in archaeology, with a focus on the Northwestern Plains & Rocky Mountains.
Provided by: Wyoming Archaeological Society.
Number of awards: One per year.
Value: Varies, usually $300 to $400.
Selected by: Wyoming Archaeological Society scholarship committee.
Information from: Dr. Greg Pierce, State Archaeologist, Anthropology Department, Box 3431, Laramie, WY 82071
Other Instructions: Applications available in spring from the Department of Anthropology. Selection made at the Spring Wyoming Archaeological Society meeting.



Loveland Archaeological Society/Harry Walts Memorial Graduate Scholarship

Available to: University of Wyoming second year graduate students in Anthropology
Provided by: Loveland Archaeological Society and Harry Walts Memorial Fund
Number of awards: 1
Value: Varies. $500.00
Selected by: Loveland Archaeological Society with assistance from the George C. Frison Institute, University of Wyoming
Other Information: Additional information available in Department office. 

Application, accepted March 1 to April 30


Loveland Archaeological Society/Robert Lundt Memorial Graduate Scholarship

Available to: University of Wyoming second semester graduate students in Anthropology
Provided by: Loveland Archaeological Society and Robert Lundt Memorial Fund
Number of awards: 1
Value: Varies. $300.00
Selected by: Loveland Archaeological Society with assistance from, University of Wyoming and/or Colorado State
Other Information: Additional information available in Department office. 

Application, accepted March 1 to April 30


Loveland Archaeological Society/ Dorothy Mountain Memorial Scholarship

Available to: Colorado State University or University of Wyoming second semester graduate students.
Provided by: Loveland Archaeological Society and Dorothy Mountain Memorial Fund
Number of awards: 1
Value: Varies. $250.00
Selected by: Loveland Archaeological Society with assistance from the George C. Frison Institute, University of Wyoming
Other Information: Additional information available in Department office. 

Application, accepted March 1 to April 30


Henry and Clara Jensen Doctoral Travel Award

Available to: Doctoral students in the Department of Anthropology
Provided by: Wyoming Archaeological Society, Wyoming Archaeological Foundation and Wyoming Association of Professional Archaeologists
Number of awards: Varies
Value: Varies. Anticipated amount $600.00
Selected by: Henry and Clara Jensen Doctoral Travel Award Committee
Other Information: Additional information and application available in Department office. Deadline: two weeks before spring WAS meeting



Rhoda O. Lewis Award

The R. O. Lewis Student Fund of the George C. Frison Institute provides support to nontraditional undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing a degree with a focus on archaeology at the University of Wyoming. The disbursement of funds will be by the Frison Institute Advisory committee. Any request related to degree completion will be considered, including book purchases, travel to meetings, fieldwork, and labwork needs. Available funds will be determined and distributed on a regular basis (semester or yearly) based on income generated by the R. O. Lewis Fund share of the Frison Institute endowment.   1. Letter explaining the nature of your non-traditional status (such as: “I returned to school to study archeology after raising a family…” or “After a career in aerospace engineering I decided to pursue studies in archeology…” or whatever describes you status as a nontraditional student).  Please discuss your reasons for pursuing archeology and the intended use of the award (such as books, travel to conference). 12 point font, double space, one page.

Please state separately 2. Your GPA. 3. Your status in the program (freshmen, sophomore…1st year graduate studies…). 4. Your career goals. 5. Other Awards and Scholarship, and amounts, you have been awarded over the past two years. 6. Letter of recommendation from one faculty member (half page, 12, point font, double spaced).

Other scholarships available on a yearly basis from the Wyoming Archaeological Society, Wyoming Association of Professional Archaeologists, and Loveland Archaeological Society.  Announcements posted in spring.   Deadline April 7.

Contact Us

Anthropology Department

12th and Lewis Streets

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5136


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