Arabic & Middle Eastern Studies | School of Politics, Public Affairs & International Studies
Arts & Sciences Building 152
100 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-6484
Program Dates: July 28 – August 13 (Summer 2023)
Application Deadline: April 15th (Rolling Basis)
Estimated cost: $4950*
Instructor: Eric Nigh ; Nevin Aiken
The Center for International Experiential Learning (CIEL) is a premier non-profit educational travel provider that draws on over a decade of proven programmatic and academic excellence in safely guiding students on experiential learning opportunities through immersive educational travel in conflict-affected regions led by internationally recognized scholars in partnership with local actors and a carefully designed and rigorous program of pre-travel education.
Participants from UW in CIEL’s Middle East program will join other students from universities across the US and UK in immersive educational travel to receive on-the-ground exposure to the people, politics and realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as they transit between the difficult and contested geographies of Jordan, Israel, and the West Bank. As a unique part of their experiential learning program, students will actively engage with politicians, community leaders, non-governmental organizations, faith leaders, academic experts and victims/survivors from all sides impacted by the conflict to hear a comprehensive view of the divergent perspectives, narratives and human stories of people living in the region. As a result of their travel experience in the Middle East, students will return to campus better educated and more nuanced in their thinking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and empowered with the knowledge and transferable skills needed to emerge as leaders in addressing issues of division and polarization surrounding complex global problems and in their own local contexts.
*Program fee includes all in-country transportation, accommodations, meal and all program-related excursions and entry fees. Does not include flights to/from region, UW tuition/fees for up to 6 variable upper-division credit hours, $325 study abroad fee or any required vaccinations.
Check out more about the program at the CIEL Website!
Arabic & Middle Eastern Studies | School of Politics, Public Affairs & International Studies
Arts & Sciences Building 152
100 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-6484