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Barnyards & Backyards

University of Wyoming Extension

1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354

Laramie, WY 82071


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Barnyards & Backyards

Wyoming Natural Resources - History

Rock art and oil wells (University of Wy CES, Recorded 2003)
Spanish Diggings  (University of Wy CES, Recorded 2006)
Martin's Cove  (University of Wy CES, Recorded 2003)
Oregon Trail Ruts   (University of Wy CES, Recorded 2006)
Multiple Pioneer Trails   (University of Wy CES, Recorded 2005)
Fort Laramie  (University of Wy CES, Recorded 2006)
United States Forest Service   (University of Wy CES, Recorded 2006)
Bureau of Land Management  (University of Wy CES, Recorded 2006)
Contact Us

Barnyards & Backyards

University of Wyoming Extension

1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354

Laramie, WY 82071


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