College of Business

Distinguished Alumni Award

The College of Business recognizes alumni who are distinguished in their profession, career or life’s work. Additionally, these individuals embrace the spirit of hard work; respect the diversity of ideas and all people; demonstrate leadership in their field and/or communities; are persons of integrity, and acknowledge the value of their business education received at the University of Wyoming. The College of Business has many outstanding alumni and this program is one way to recognize the honor they bring to the institution through their accomplishments.  

The College of Business celebrates its honorees during the College of Business’ Recognition Celebration held each spring along with its student and faculty award recipients. It is a special time for distinguished alumni, in which they not only receive special acknowledgment at the College’s dinner, but also have the unique opportunity to spend time with the College leadership and students during an organized campus visit.

Distinguished alumni may be nominated by anyone using this form: Distinguished Alumni Award application PDF.  In addition to the nomination form, nominators are encouraged to include up to five (5) letters of support.  Traditionally, one honoree is chosen each year by a selection committee consisting of the College of Business Executive Team, the chair of the College of Business Advisory Board, and a past recipient of the distinguished alumni award. Nominations are due by February 28th, 2025. Recipients must agree to attend the awards presentation in order to be recognized and receive the award. In the event that a selected recipient cannot attend, the nominee will be considered for the following year. Please see the restrictions listed on the nomination form; certain alumni are not eligible for the award.

College of Business Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients:

First Name Last Name Year of Recognition
Rudolph T. Anselmi 1961-1962
Jesse D. Winzenried 1962-1963
Edward C. Bryant 1963-1964
Donald W. Jewett 1964-1965
Earl R. Johnson 1965-1966
John W. France 1966-1967
C. Warren Reed 1967-1968
Morris H. Hansen 1968-1969
Elliott G. Hays 1969-1970
C.E. "Bud" Webster 1970-1971
Walter B. Oslund 1971-1972
Lawrence M. Woods 1972-1973
Neal L. Marsh 1973-1974
Boyd M. Sneddon 1973-1974
Erland M. Raastad 1974-1975
Larry L. Redding 1974-1975
Donald J. Kany 1975-1976
Lois C. Mottonen 1975-1976
Larry E. Lorenzen 1976-1977
James E. Nielson 1976-1977
Carl M. Sandberg 1976-1977
James M. Daley 1977-1978
Steven F. Despain 1977-1978
Wallce H. Duncan 1978-1979
Allan O. Johnson 1978-1979
William G. "Bill" Lucas 1979-1980
Tom L. Roach 1979-1980
William E. Lazzeri 1980-1981
James G. Watt 1980-1981
Kenneth C. Kehn 1981-1982
Bruce H. Lien 1981-1982
James Linton 1982-1983
Ronald B. Salvagio 1982-1983
Joseph Gillan 1983-1984
Donald W. King 1983-1984
Roger L. Morgan 1984-1985
Nils-Erik Aaby 1985-1986
Thomas W. Binning 1985-1986
Dennis Terwilliger 1986-1987
Solomon D. Trujillo 1986-1987
Orville Douglas II Fulp 1987-1988
Joseph J. Paiz 1987-1988
John T. White 1987-1988
John K. Castleberry 1988-1989
James A. Porter 1988-1989
Cale Case 1989-1990
Arthur V. Highland 1989-1990
Donald B. Dame 1990-1991
David E. Foreman 1990-1991
Dan Homec 1990-1991
Charles D. Lein 1991-1992
Janet A. Roberts 1991-1992
John C. Belsly 1992-1993
Pierre Desjardins 1992-1993
Madelon Kuchera 1992-1993
James L. Burdick 1993-1994
W. Richard III Scarlett 1993-1994
Jason F. Shogren 1993-1994
Clara R. Toppan 1994-1996
Gus Fleischli 1995-1996
Joseph C. Drew 1996-1997
James W. Hearne 1996-1997
Clive L. Spash 1997-1998
John A. Voight 1998-1999
Gilbert O. Mallery 1999-2000
Peter M. Johnson 2000-2001
Scott A. Musselman 2000-2001
James L. Elder 2001-2002
James M. Osgood 2001-2002
Pat Rile 2002-2003
Dennis Welsch 2002-2003
B. Carl Lee 2003-2004
John List 2003-2004
Dennis Carruth 2004-2005
John McGrath 2004-2005
Mick McMurry 2005-2006
Ken Dugas 2006-2007
Thomas Honig 2006-2007
Karen Moody 2006-2007
Charles Brown 2007-2008
Rita Meyer 2007-2008
Andy Andrikopoulos 2008-2009
Even Brande 2008-2009
Russ Mortenson 2009-2010
Ann Nelson 2009-2010
C.L. Burton 2010-2011
Tad Herz 2010-2011
Todd Skinner 2010-2011
Chuck  Pagano 2011-2012
Dave True 2011-2012
Clayton Hartman 2012-2013
Greg Phillips 2012-2013
Linda Price 2012-2013
Gregory C. Dyekman 2013-2014
Jack E. Lenhart 2013-2014
Pamela Ruehle 2013-2014
Tori Campbell 2014-2015
Christopher M. Tice 2014-2015
Patrick Higgins 2015-2016
Scott D. MacDonald 2015-2016
V. Frank Mendicino 2016-2017
Dimitrios Smyrnios 2017-2018
Gary Crum 2017-2018
Paul Turner 2018-2019
Mike Simonton 2019-2020
Kevin Rochlitz 2020-2021
Susan Roll 2020-2021
Robert A. Zawacki 2021-2022
Ronald Peterson 2022-2023
Donald Snyder 2023-2024