"Designated Noxious Weed" means the weeds, seeds or other plant parts that are considered detrimental, destructive, injurious or poisonous, either by virtue of their direct effect or as carriers of diseases or parasites that exist within this state, and are on the designated list, which is formed by joint resolution of the Wyoming Board of Agriculture and the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council.
If a plant is listed as a Designated Noxious Weed, that listing provides statewide legal authority to regulate and manage it.
"Declared weed" means any plant which the Wyoming Board of Agriculture and the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council have found, either by virtue of its direct effect, or as a carrier of disease or parasites, to be detrimental to the general welfare of persons residing within a district (county).
If a plant is listed as a County Declared Weed, that listing provides that county with legal authority to regulate and manage it.