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WY CAPS Program

University of Wyoming

Dept. Ecosystem Science & Management: 3354

1000 East University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307)766-5278


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Wyoming Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey

Quiz: Noxious Weeds 1

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Field Bindweed





Growth Habit: Perennial vine, reproducing from seeds and roots
Leaves: Alternate, simple, arrow-head shaped
Stem: Prostrate, up to 10 ft. long
Flower: Funnel-shaped, pale pink to white
Roots: Creeping Rhizomes, extensive
Seeds: Four per capsule

Photo by: Pedro Tenorio-Lezama,


Canada Thistle




Growth Habit: Perennial, up to 4 ft tall 

Leaves: Deeply cut, spiney toothed margins, slightly hairy
Stem: Smooth to slightly hairy, branched at top
Flower: Small, bristly clusters, light lavender to deep rose in color 
Roots: Creeping rootstocks
Seeds: Smooth, light to dark brown

Photo by: Chris Evans, River to River CWMA,



Leafy Spurge


Growth Habit: Perennial, up to 3 ft tall

Leaves: Alternate, long, narrow
Stem: Branched near top, hairless, entire plant contains a milky sap
Flower: Inconspicuous, surrounded by large heart shaped floral leaves
Roots: Brown, numerous, deep spreading
Seeds: Seed can be thrown up to 20 ft by exploding capsule

Photo by: Norman E. Rees, USDA Agr. Research Service - Retired,



Perennial Sowthistle





Growth Habit: Perennial, 4-6 ft tall

Leaves: Alternate, exude milky latex
Stem: Hollow, unbranched except at top
Flower: Yellow, dandelion-like
Roots: Rhizomes
Seeds: Reddish-brown with a tuft of fine white hairs

Photo by: Tom Heutte, USDA Forest Service,






Growth Habit: Erect perennial grass

Leaves: Auricles present, blade soft, flat, may be covered with soft hair
Stem: Culms, 1-3 ft tall, erect, smooth
Flower: Dense terminal spikes 2-6 inches long
Roots: Rhizomes yellowish-white, sharp-pointed, rooting at nodes only
Seeds: Contained in spikelets, awnless or with short straight awns

Photo by: Steve Dewey, Utah State University,


Hoary Cress





Growth Habit: Perennial herb

Leaves: Alternate, lance-shaped and slightly irregular
Stem: Stoutish, branched toward top
Flower: Small, white,  numerous flower branches
Roots: Extensive horizontally and vertically
Seeds: Reddish-brown

Photo by: Chris Evans, River to River CWMA,


Perennial Pepperweed





Growth Habit: Erect perennial, numerous stems

Leaves: Alternate, lance shaped
Stem: Smooth, branched, waxy
Flower: Raceme of small white flowers in dense clusters near branch ends
Roots: Deep-seated and spreading
Seeds: Small, rounded

Photo by: Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,


Oxeye Daisy





Growth Habit: Perennial, up to 2 ft tall

Leaves: Lance-shaped
Stem: Numerous from root crown
Flower: Solitary
Roots: Fibrous
Seeds: Straw-colored

Photo by: Mary Ellen Harte,


skeletonweed Bursage




Growth Habit: Perennial, bushy

Leaves: Alternate, undersurface with fine hairs
Stem: Branched, bushy
Flower: Male with clusters of yellow, on solitary, elongated, terminal branches. Female, inconspicuous
Roots: Extensive, creeping
Seeds: Light brown bur with conical spines

Photo by: L.L. Berry,


Russian Knapweed





Growth Habit: Perennial herb

Leaves: Upper leaves and stem leaves
Stem: Numerous branches
Flower: Single, terminal, lavender, thistle like
Roots: Dark brown to black and heavily scaled
Seeds: Flattened, ivory colored

Photo by: Steve Dewey, Utah State University,


Yellow Toadflax




Growth Habit: Perennial, up to 3 ft tall

Leaves: Long, narrow, numerous, smooth, pointed
Stem: Smooth, erect, sometimes branched
Flower: Snapdragon style, with spur, bright yellow
Roots: Woody, vigorous, branched
Seeds: Round

Photo by: Steve Dewey, Utah State University,



Dalmation Toadflax




Growth Habit: Perennial, up to 3 ft tall

Leaves: Alternate, light green, broad, heart-shaped
Stem: Branching, smooth, leafy
Flower: Snapdragon style, bright yellow, with spur
Roots: Vigorous, deep, extensive
Seeds: Numerous, irregularly shaped

Photo by: Steve Dewey, Utah State University,



Scotch Thistle




Growth Habit: Biennial, sometimes annual, erect

Leaves: Large, coarsely lobed, hairy, velvety gray appearance
Stem: Erect, branching
Flower: Solitary, terminal, violet to reddish
Roots: Large fleshy taproot
Seeds: Distinctly wrinkled

Photo by: Steve Dewey, Utah State University,

Contact Us

WY CAPS Program

University of Wyoming

Dept. Ecosystem Science & Management: 3354

1000 East University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307)766-5278


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