Reed Scull
Higher Education Administration MA & Cert Coordinator
(307) 766-2911
Jonathan Carrier
Higher Education Administration Program Coordinator, and
Doctoral Coordinator
(307) 766-6400
January 15 - Fall/Summer
May 15- Fall
September 15 - Spring
Step 1: Apply to UW and the School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy and Design through the online applicant portal.
Step 2: Submit official transcripts from all colleges to UW Admissions:
Knight Hall 150
Department 3435, 1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5160
Toll-Free: (800) 342-5996
Note: Please do not wait to have ALL colleges send official transcripts to Admissions. It is University policy that the UW Admissions Office require official transcripts from every college you have attended. This includes your undergraduate transcript, AND all colleges that you have transferred coursework in from. This process can take
some time to request, send, receive, and process.
If you attended UW, you do not have to contact UW Admissions Office to send official transcripts to
UW. They will know to "pull' them, when you are admitted.
Please include ALL documents listed below in order for your application to be considered.
Reed Scull
Higher Education Administration MA & Cert Coordinator
(307) 766-2911
Jonathan Carrier
Higher Education Administration Program Coordinator, and
Doctoral Coordinator
(307) 766-6400