COJO Department
Ross Hall Rm.#223
Dept. #3904
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3122
Retrieved November 16, 2010, from B.A. 1969, The Ohio State University; Ph.D. 1982, Temple University; professor of journalism.
Publications: Responsible journalism, environmental advocacy, and the great apple scare of 1989, Journal of Environmental Education, 1998; Reporters, news sources, and scientific intervention: The new Madrid earthquake prediction, Public Understanding of Science, 1996; News coverage of the firefighter fatalities on Storm King Mountain Wildfire, co-author, 1996.
- 8/1/2008 - UW Publishes Bulletin on Water Quality Pertaining to Livestock and Wildlife Health
- 3/20/2008 - UW, G&F Continue Research into Red Rim Elk Die-offs
- 1/25/2006 - UW Researchers Looking for Missing Link in Red Rim Elk Die-off
- 6/9/2005 - UW Scientists Hope to Identify Toxin Responsible for Red Rim Elk Die-Off
- 6/8/2004 - State Vet Lab Helps Investigate Dog Poisonings
- 3/30/2004 - WSVL Diagnosticians Help Link Lichen as Cause of Elk Die Off
- 3/18/2004 - Grim Investigation Continues Into Massive Elk Deaths
- 2/24/2004 - UW Students, Faculty, Game and Fish Probe Baffling Elk Deaths
- 5/16/2003 - Dubois Outlines Recent UW Accomplishments
- 4/24/2003 - UW Researchers Awarded $2.4 Million for Chronic Wasting Study
- 8/8/2000 - State Vet Lab Notices Increase in Sulfate-Induced Polio
- 8/6/1997 - Students Receive Work Study Research Scholarships
COJO Department
Ross Hall Rm.#223
Dept. #3904
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3122