Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning
1000 E. University, Dept. 3334
Coe Library 510
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-4847
Email: ellbogenctl@uwyo.edu
The ECTL library provides access to a range of resources about teaching and learning. Our books cover a wide variety of subjects and themes and include many of the most well-liked and well-respected books about teaching and learning. All books are available for checkout and can be shipped to off-campus faculty at their location.
Breakout EDU is an active learning tool purchased by the ECTL that is available to UW instructors. Breakout EDU is an immersive learning games platform that brings collaboration to both remote and in-person learning. Breakout EDU games consist of a combination of physical and digital puzzle elements that must be solved in a set amount of time. Players of all ages are challenged to open the locked Breakout EDU box using critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity.
The Graduate Teaching Assistant Handbook is an introduction to your training in pedagogy. UW's most effective teachers are constantly learning by testing new strategies and approaches to covey topics to facilitate higher levels of understanding within their students. In this handbook, you will find a number of these strategies and approaches. Some will work for you, some will not fit your particular uses. Pick and choose wisely, for that is the role of the effective instructional graduate assistant.
Looking to innovate your online teaching delivery style? If the answer is yes, the ECTL Lightboard Studio may be for you! With CARES funding, the Ellbogen Center for Teaching & Learning (ECTL) has acquired a new teaching tool that lets you create innovative, fun and engaging videos. It can be used for lecture as well as supplemental videos. “Lightboard is a glass chalkboard pumped full of light. It’s for recording video lecture topics. You face toward your viewers, and your writing glows in front of you.” – Professor Michael Peshkin, Northwestern University, Lightboard inventor
To facilitate the growth of effective instructors, we have gathered and developed the following strategies and approaches that recognize the responsibility instructors have to provide students a range of learning opportunities and environments. We have also included information about important legal and ethical responsibilities that instructors need to be aware of, career development materials, and other helpful information.
We are excited to share with you our newly designed newsletter, The ECTL Pedagogical Post! This newsletter shares teaching tips and spotlights faculty and graduate teaching assistants doing exemplary work, significant campus collaborations and partnerships, and any other timely or meaningful information.
Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning
1000 E. University, Dept. 3334
Coe Library 510
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-4847
Email: ellbogenctl@uwyo.edu