Alyssa Konesko has participated actively in programming for teaching critical and creative thinking since the ECTL established its Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Division in Spring 2018. The division lead, Meg Van Baalen-Wood, collaborates with various instructors across the university, including Rick Fisher (LeaRN) and TK Stoudt (Veterans Services Center), to design and administer CCT programming. Alyssa has both shaped and been shaped by UW’s rapidly growing CCT community. Check out Alyssa's full reflection here!
This report examines the status of critical and creative thinking (CCT) in teaching and assessment at the University of Wyoming (UW) and across the nation. While CCT is deemed important, faculty members nationwide lack a common understanding and language for it. As UW re-envisions the current University Studies Program (USP) and the assessment of student learning, the report offers a foundation and recommendations for positioning CCT as the backbone of student learning outcomes, teaching, and assessment throughout the institution.
The Making Critical Thinking Visible webpage is a repository of activities, assignments, and other curricular elements UW instructors have created to make critical and creative thinking more visible in their courses. Designed, tested, and refined by faculty throughout the university, the resources here have furthered students’ facility with recognizing, articulating, and demonstrating critical thinking in diverse contexts. We invite you to adopt and adapt these resources for use in your own classes and curricula.