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CxC // LeaRN
Coe 111A // Dept. 3334
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82070
Phone: 307.223.2082

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COM Assessment Reports

    • Fall 2023: Indirect assessment of instructor perceptions and activities, including emerging policies for generative AI (GAI) technologies. The assessment also gathered information to help guide USP revision of communication-intensive courses.
    • Spring 2023Indirect assessment of instructor perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs. This report includes data about instructor adaptations in response to the widespread availability of ChatGPT.
    • Fall 2022: Direct course-level assessment of student work using VALUE rubrics for written and oral communication. This report includes comparative data from Spring 2022 and Fall 2021 assessments.
    • Spring 2022: Direct course-level assessment of student work against the VALUE Written Communication rubric, AND results of survey of students enrolled in COM3 courses.
    • Fall 2021: Direct assessment of student work against the AAC&U VALUE rubrics for oral and written communication.
    • Spring 2021: Direct assessment of student work related to COM2/3 outcomes related to audience, purpose and structure
    • Fall 2019: Survey results related to the COM instructors personal practices and teaching practices related to digital communication and oral communication.
    • Spring 2019: A report of findings and trends from cafeteria-style assessment projects across COM2 and COM3 courses

CxC Campus Impacts

CxC/WAC Research Publications

    • Fisher, R., Brock, C.H., Welsh, K.M. & Swarts, G.P. (2023). An academic writing program as displacement space: New stories and new positions.”  Journal of Writing Research, 15(2): 167-197. doi: 10.17239/jowr-2023.15.02.01 
    • Fisher, R. (2023). Mixed messages: A disciplinary(?) response to physics lab reports. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 23(1) doi: 10.14434/josotl.v23i1.32483 
    • Fisher, R., DeDiego, A.C., Cooper, K.E., Frye, K., Larson, M.D. & Duball, C. (2022, December 30). “This is the type of audience I’ve learned to write to my whole life”: Exploring student perspectives about writing for different types of audiences. Across the Disciplines, 19(3/4): 198-224.  
    • Fisher, R. (2021). The fact of the text: Exploring misalignment in undergraduate lab reportsResearch in the Teaching of English, 56(2), 155-176.
    • Fisher, R., Brock, C.H., Frahm, T., Van Wig, A. & V. R. Gillis (2020.) Reflections on writing and identity: exploring the role of qualifying exams in the sociocultural development of doctoral students, Studies in Continuing Education42(3), 365-380, doi: 10.1080/0158037X.2019.1661237
    • Fisher, R. (2018). Reconciling disciplinary literacy perspectives with genre-oriented activity theory: Toward a fuller synthesis of traditionsReading Research Quarterly54(2), 237– 251. doi:10.1002/rrq.233

Other CxC Publications


Contact Us

CxC // LeaRN
Coe 111A // Dept. 3334
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82070
Phone: 307.223.2082

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