Dean of Students Office
Knight Hall 128
Dept. 3135, 1000 E. University Dr.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-3296
Fax: 307-766-3298
The Dean of Students Office supports University of Wyoming faculty and staff. Our team members are well-versed in student behavior, educational outcomes, and University resources. We are invested in the wellbeing and success of every UW student.
We encourage you to contact us with any questions about students, including behavior in the classroom, potential Student Code of Conduct violations, or students’ general welfare.
Remember if you have a concern about a student’s wellbeing, or a risk of harm to self or others, please fill out a UW CARES referral, and if there is imminent risk call UWPD or dial 911 immediately!
Guidelines on Managing Student Absences
UWYO Cares Guide for Faculty and Staff
University Counseling Center - Student Counseling Services
University LeaRN Faculty Teaching Guides
University Disability Support Services - Navigating Student Accommodations
We encourage you to outline your expectations at the beginning of the semester!
Instructors have significant authority to manage the classroom environment and are responsible for the managment of their classroom environment. They may set and enforce reasonable rules of classroom decorum, including prohibitions against speaking without being called upon, side conversations, using cell phones or other electronic devices, or repeatedly leaving class early or coming to class late. In order to foster a campus culture of civility, it is important to articulate expectations, encourage discussion, and respond to problems consistently. Instructors encounter fewer problems with student behavior when they clearly state their expectations about classroom behavior.We encourage each instructor to work with your College and Department Heads to determine how instructors are expected to address classroom behaviors.
Assist your students in understanding appropriate classroom behavior and academic integrity by engaging in the following:
Discuss the importance of academic integrity and clarify university policies regarding academic misconduct prior to any graded assignment as outlined in the University Regulation on Academic Dishonesty (UW Regulation 2-114)
Outline in the syllabus your expectations regarding classroom behaviors and note how they could be addressed by the instructor, including removal from class.
Specifically address what student use of electronic devices including laptops and cell phones should or should not be in your classroom.
Clearly identify for students how to professionally communicate – in person or in writing (emails, online course posts, etc) - with their peers and the faculty.
Be consistent in the addressing the behaviors with all students and follow your outlined process to address and/or refer students.
Should student behaviors continue, contact your Department Head for support. The Dean of Students Office can also assist in navigating issues with the Department.
Dean of Students Office
Knight Hall 128
Dept. 3135, 1000 E. University Dr.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-3296
Fax: 307-766-3298