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Department of Economics

College of Business Department 3985

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3124

Fax: 307-766-4028


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Department Seminar Series

The Department of Economics hosts four seminar series.  

  • The Bugas Lectures. The Bugas Lectures hosted by the Department of Economics at the University of Wyoming are an opportunity for Economics students to interact with and watch presentations by some of today's top Economists. 2-3 speakers per semester spend three days hosting seminars and meeting with students.

  • Guest Speaker Seminars. The department's main seminar series, usually held on Fridays, features guest speakers from other universities. All interested individuals are welcome to attend these seminars.

  • Brown-Bag Workshops. On Fridays during the semester when there is no guest-speaker seminar, the department hosts a 12:00-1:00 p.m. "brown-bag" (bring your own lunch) workshop, at which both faculty and students present work in progress. All interested individuals are welcome to attend.

  • Graduate Student Seminars. The graduate student seminar series, organized by the graduate students themselves and  provides students the opportunity to share research ideas and practice presenting papers before attending conferences or going on the job market. 

  • To receive email reminders about upcoming seminars join the Mailing List by clicking here.

Fall 2024 Seminars | Guest Speakers

Nina Fefferman
Nina Fefferman PhD, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology & Mathematics, University of Tennessee Friday, September 13, 2024 2:00PM BU 123 Dr. Nina Fefferman's research focuses on the mathematics of epidemiology, evolutionary and behavioral ecology, and self-organizing behaviors, especially of systems described by networks. While the research in the Fefferman Lab frequently focuses on disease in human and/or animal populations, and how disease and disease-related behavioral ecology can affect the short-term survival and long-term evolutionary success of a population, people in the lab have worked on problems as diverse as computer network security to social behaviors in grass-roots organizations that make the movement susceptible to radicalization. Any fun integration of applied mathematics and human or animal processes is fair game!
Sherril Shaffer
Sherril Shaffer PhD, Guthrie Distinguished Professor of Banking and Financial Services Emeritus, University of Wyoming Monday, September 16, 2024 2:00PM TBD
Christian Vossler
Christian Vossler PhD, J. Fred Holly Chair of Excellence in the Department of Economics, Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee Wednesday, September 18, 2024 TBD TBD Dr. Vossler is an applied microeconomist whose research primarily focuses on environmental and public economics issues. Much of his research has centered on non-market valuation methods used to estimate the benefits of environmental and other public goods in monetary terms, with special attention to issues of mechanism design and the external validity of survey-based methods. Other research areas include the development and testing of pollution control instruments and mechanisms to motivate regulatory compliance, and the interaction between social preferences and public goods provision.
Paul Novosad
Paul Novosad PhD, Associate Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College Friday, September 27, 2024 2:00PM BU 123 His research examines why poor countries have remained poor for so long, and what policy interventions can help improve people's lives in developing countries. His team builds new open source economic data from information age sources like satellites, and private and government sector data exhaust.
Dominic Parker
Dominic Parker PhD, Olav F. and Else de Noyer Anderson-Bascom Professor of Applied Economics, UW-Madison Friday, October 11, 2024 2:00PM BU 123 His research aims to understand the effects, intended and unintended, of policies directed towards the environment and natural resources and the role that markets and property rights play in regulating those effects. He also studies the economies of Indigenous communities, and how government policies affect their development.
John Whitehead
John Whitehead PhD, Department of Economics Professor, Appalachian State University Friday, October 25, 2024 2:00PM BU 123

Previous Seminar Events

Please click here to view our past guest speakers.

Contact Us

Department of Economics

College of Business Department 3985

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3124

Fax: 307-766-4028


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