Grand Teton National Park

The Teton Group


The Teton Group consists of prominent scholars at the intersection of behavioral and environmental research that examines the nexus of people, institutions and nature. Members meet in Jackson WY to discuss ideas and collaborate on research that advances environmental and natural resource policy.

The University of Wyoming-National Park Service Research Station is located in the Grand Teton National Park (GTNP). The Station and larger partnership with GTNP provides unique opportunities to learn insights that improve solutions beyond the park.

The Teton Lab provides capacity for lab experiments at UW and field experiments in GTNP, as well as online experiments across states and countries.

Meeting with Leadership at Grand Teton National Park

Create a culture of experiments in environmental programs - Science, Vol 381, Issue 6659



Contact Us

The Teton Group
Department of Economics
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone (307) 766-2175