Teachers looking at papers at a conference with wording: Literacy Research Center & Clinic About Us

The UW Literacy Research Center and Clinic (LRCC) serves as the epicenter for disseminating literacy knowledge and evidence-based practices in Wyoming, offering professional development for practicing teachers, a clinical setting for preparing pre-service teacher candidates, and cutting-edge research conducted by faculty and graduate students on literacy education. Statewide engagement is the thread that runs through all that we do.

View our 2017-2022 Strategic Plan  |  View our faculty and staff


The center’s vision focuses on statewide engagement as accomplished through:

  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – The center provides university programs, conferences, and educational opportunities to strengthen educators' capacity to teach literacy effectively to students of all ages and levels. LRCC provides practicum opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students and partners with educational organizations across Wyoming— with more partnerships in the works—including school districts, statewide educational organizations that support libraries, child development centers, and individual students, teachers, and schools.

  • FIELD-BASED RESEARCH – The center’s research emphasis employs a pragmatic field-based problem-solving approach to conducting and reporting research. Faculty and graduate students conduct research in the clinic, with school- and family-based partners throughout Wyoming, and in collaboration with other literacy researchers throughout the nation.

  • CLINICAL SERVICES – The center provides tutoring to struggling and developing students, their families, and their teachers.

"The LRCC provided me with an advanced level of training that has encouraged me to refine my teaching and mentoring skills. An unexpected benefit of my experiences, as a tutor and a coach, at the LRCC has been an increase in my confidence to share my expertise with other teachers."

— K.F.



The establishment of the LRCC was accomplished through a combination of institutional prioritization, private funding, and matching funds provided by the Wyoming Legislature.

The work of the LRCC is guided by the LRCC Outreach Advisory Board, which is compromised of Wyoming legislators, former and current Wyoming education policymakers and agency directorsm and other Wyoming educational stakeholders.

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