Female student sitting in a orange chair looking over her shoulder smiling at the camera with the StartRight+ tag logo in the top left corner of the image
Contact Us

University Store
Department 3255
1000 E. University Avenue
Phone: (307) 766-3264
Email: uwyostore-textbooks@uwyo.edu

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How It Works

Before the start of each semester, all University of Wyoming undergraduate students are enrolled in StartRight+. This allows students to explore the program's benefits and required materials. If a student chooses not to participate they may opt-out of the program. Key participation dates will be shared with students in communications via their UWyo email leading up to the semester's start.

Gaining Access and Using Your Course Materials

By the first day of classes, undergraduate students can access any course's required digital content/textbooks through WyoCourses/Canvas. To access:

  1. Log into the course page in your WyoCourses/Canvas account

  2. Open a course module and select “MyTextbooks” to the left side of your screen. 

Students who need assistance with their WyoCourses/Canvas or My Textbooks may email uwyostore-textbooks@uwyo.edu, call (307) 766-3264, or stop by the University Store.


Helpful Tutorials

Save your "Bookshelf" to your browser here or download the app on the App Store or Google Play.

Participating in StartRight+


Brow square with an icon of an ipad


Choosing to participate in the program is easy! Once materials become available in your WyoCourses/Canvas account, you can view and use all of your required materials. No further action is necessary to participate. If you decide that the program does not meet your needs for the current semester, you may opt-out prior to the opt-out deadline. View Student FAQs for more information.

Brow square with an icon of a stack of books

Graduate Students

Graduate students are automatically enrolled in StartRight Choice. StartRight Choice our alternative digital first program that gives you the freedom to select your digital materials on a title-by-title basis and compare prices.

Brow square with an icon of books on a shelf with an apple


Faculty have full academic freedom under StartRight+, and the textbook selection process will remain the same. View Faculty FAQs for more information.


Students will see the $275 per semester flat-rate StartRight+ fee on the first fall and spring billing statement. For more information, view the Frequently Asked Questions. 

  • Your bill may not reflect recent program changes until this process is complete. We appreciate your patience during this billing update period.

If you have questions please email us at uwyostore-textbooks@uwyo.edu if you want to clarify you are being charged for what you opted into. 

Contact Us

University Store
Department 3255
1000 E. University Avenue
Phone: (307) 766-3264
Email: uwyostore-textbooks@uwyo.edu

Find us on Instagram (Link opens a new window)Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)Find us on Twitter (Link opens a new window)Find us on LinkedIn (Link opens a new window)Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)