Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West
Key to Subfamily Gomphocerinae
Previous Step (F')
G Lateral carinae not elevated, well marked by color in females, not marked in males;
size medium to large; females green, brown and grey with light markings, occasionally
blackish; males black; hind tibiae pink to red; wing bluish; widespread in eastern
Colorado but generally not common.

Boopedon nubilum (Say)
G' Lateral carinae of pronotum moderately elevated, well marked by color; size small.
H Face strongly to moderately vertical; tegmina with three or four large, distinct
dark spots, often scalloped; hind tibiae tan to red-orange; widespread and common
throughout eastern Colorado.
Head |
Top view of pronotum |
Internal tibial spurs |
Phlibostroma quadrimaculatum (Thomas)
H' Face slanted back; tegmina without large, distinct spots but with dark band running
the length of the tegmina, broken by irregular white areas; white streak below the
anterior portion of the dark band; hind tibiae tan, sometimes spotted with brown;
antennae usually expanded at tip; widespread and common in eastern Colorado.
Grasshoppers of Colorado Contents