Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West


Key to Subfamily Gomphocerinae

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F Lateral carinae of pronotum more compressed anteriorly as compared to posteriorly; tegmina of females one and one-half length of head and pronotum; tegmina of males extending beyond tips of hind femora; color green to brown; males with stridulatory pegs on intercalary vein of tegmina; mountains of central Colorado.

Top view of pronotum Tegmen
Stethophyma gracile (Scudder)

F' Lateral carinae of pronotum approximately equidistant anteriorly and posteriorly.

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G Tegmina of males with three distinct longitudinal veins in marginal field; lateral lobes of pronotum in males entirely dark; tegmina of females as long or longer than head and pronotum; generally uncommon; foothills of northern Colorado.
Tegmen Side view of pronotum Top view of pronotum
Chloealtis conspersa (Harris)

G' Tegmina of males with one distinct longitudinal vein (and one weak vein) in marginal field; lateral lobes of pronotum in males dark dorsally only; tegmina of females shorter than head and pronotum; generally uncommon; foothills and mountains at moderate elevations and along the eastern slope of Colorado.
Tegmen Side view of pronotum Head
Chloealtis abdominalis (Thomas)

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Contact Us

Scott Schell

Room #9, Agriculture Bldg.

Phone: (307) 766-2508


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