Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West


Key to Subfamily Gomphocerinae

Previous Step (F)

G Lateral carinae of pronotum well marked by structure; hind femora with dark bands on outer face; tegmina with large rectangular cells in marginal field, especially in males; dark areas on dorsal pronotum and on lateral lobes; uncommon; central mountains of Colorado.

Top view of pronotum Hind femur Tegmen

Stenobothrus brunneus (Thomas)
See S. brunneus fact sheet from Dr. Pfadt's Field Guide to Common Western Grasshoppers

[Hind tibiae of specimens of Psoloessa spp. from Arizona occasionally are orange; Psoloessa lacks large rectangular cells on tegmina and has dark spots largely confined to a longitudinal central row; spots on tegmina of Stenobothrus are scattered.]

G' Lateral carinae of pronotum absent, or marked by color but not by structure.

Go to H

H Lateral carinae of pronotum well marked by color but not by structure; hind femora usuallywithoutdark bands on outer face; rectangular cells rarely present in marginal field of tegmina; but many cells of tegmina regularly quadrilateral; pronotum rarely with dark areas; wings colorless; widespread and abundant, especially in eastern Colorado.

Top view of pronotum Tegmen
Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder)

[Phlibostroma quadrimaculatum may key to this point if the lateral foveolae of vertex are determined to be visible from above. The three or four large, distinct, dark spots on the tegmina will indicate P. quadrimaculatum.]

H' Lateral carinae absent; hind femora usually with bands on outer face; cells of tegmina irregular in shape; pronotum may be dark brown; wings may be pale blue or colorless; widespread in eastern Colorado but usually not abundant.

Top view of pronotum Hind femur
Heliaula rufa (Scudder)

Grasshoppers of Colorado Contents

Contact Us

Scott Schell

Room #9, Agriculture Bldg.

Phone: (307) 766-2508


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