Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West
Key to the Subfamily Oedipodinae
Previous Step (D)
E Tegmina with several scattered brown spots throughout and lacking bands; background
color of head, thorax and tegmina is cream; wings colorless to pale yellow or blue
with black veins (but lacking bands); hind tibiae white or lavender; uncommon. (Now
considered to be a Gomphocerine.)
Tegmen and wing
Cibolacris parviceps (Bruner)
E' Tegmina with bands, spots forming bands, large spots on costal margin, occasionally
without spots or very small spots; many common species.
Go to F
F Tegmina with bands or large spots on costal margin only.
F' Bands crossing the tegmina, fading in some cases at the posterior border, or tegmina
spotted or speckled throughout, or appearing uniform.
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