Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West
Key to the Subfamily Oedipodinae
Previous Step (H')
I Tegmina regularly and evenly marked throughout with large dark patches; wing discs
pale yellow, wings with black band; mountains and foothills along the front range
in Colorado; uncommon.

Trachyrhachys coronata (Scudder)
I' Tegmina irregularly marked and blotched with dark brown, not more than two or three
large blotches.

Like This
J Wing discs usually colorless with black veins, occasionally yellow with black bands;
lateral lobes of pronotum usually with acute posterior angle; tegmina with blotches
forming rather distinct bands; widespread and common.

Trachyrhachys kiowa (Thomas)
J' Wing discs yellow or red with apical one-third dark; lateral lobes of pronotum
less acute than in
T. kiowa, sometimes approaching a 90' angle posteriorly; tegmina with spots forming irregular
bands; eastern foothills, extending to plains in northern Colorado.
Pronotum |
Tegmen |
Grasshoppers of Colorado Contents