Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West
Key to the Subfamily Oedipodinae
Previous Step (C')
D Hind tibiae usually light throughout, distinct band lacking; tegmina variable; wings
yellow or red; colored area in front of spur less than width of spur; posterior edge
of tegmina often light, forming distinct light stripe down center of back; common
and widespread early spring and summer.
D' Hind tibiae with distinct light band proximally; tegmina variable; wings usually
yellow, sometimes orange; colored area in front of spur about twice width of spur;
not reported from Colorado but may occur at the eastern borders.
E Spur extending more than one-half of the distance to wing base.
Wing |
Hind femur |
Arphia simplex Scudder
E' Spur extending less than one-half of the distance to wing base.

Arphia xanthoptera (Burmeister)
Grasshoppers of Colorado Contents