Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West
Key to the Melanoplus Species
Previous Step (F)
G Cerci with small thumb-like projections as seen from rear; furculae nearly one-half
length of supra-anal plate; plains of eastern Colorado.
Back view of cerci |
Cercus |
Top view of abdomen tip of male |
Melanoplus arizonae Scudder
G' Cerci without thumb-like projections; furculae less than one-fourth length of supra-anal
Go to H
H Cerci expanded dorsally and ventrally, at least somewhat boot-shaped although "heel"
may be reduced; tip of cerci strongly twisted dorsally; an early season species; widespread
in Colorado.
Melanoplus confusus (Scudder)
H' Cerci not boot-shaped, tip bent inward and slightly expanded dorsally but not ventrally;
a late season species; widespread in Colorado.
Grasshoppers of Colorado Contents