Course Descriptions for Courses I have taught at the University of Wyoming (From the University of Wyoming Catalog). The number following the course name is the number of semester credits for that course.
4330. Rangeland Ecosystem Assessment and Monitoring. 3. [M3<>(none)]
Assessment, monitoring, and analysis of rangeland ecosystems. Students integrate sampling design, measurements of vegetation attributes, ecological site information, and statistical estimation to evaluate rangeland resources. Students collect, analyze, and report data using current technology. Prerequisites: STAT 2050 or 2070 (can be concurrent with either); REWM 2000; REWM 2500. (Normally offered fall semester).
4750/5750. Wildlife Habitat Restoration Ecology. 3.
Emphasis on fundamental and applied aspects of restoration ecology for terrestrial wildlife habitats following anthropogenic and natural disturbances. Although the course overviews theoretical concepts applicable to many systems, there is a focus on applications for wildlife habitats in western North America. Prerequisites: REWM 4330 and 4850.
4850. Rangeland Vegetation Management Techniques. 3.
Uses applied ecological principles in restoration of degraded rangeland ecosystems to introduce methods for manipulating rangeland vegetation that satisfy land management objectives. Provides ecologically-sound practices to maintain optimal and sustained yield of rangeland products. Prerequisites: REWM 2000 and SB. (Normally offered spring semester).