Healthy U

Why offer Healthy U?

Those who participated demonstrated a significant improvement in exercise, cognitive symptom management, communication with physicians, self-reported general health, health distress, fatigue, disability, and social/role activities limitations. They also spent fewer days in the hospital and tended toward fewer outpatient visits and hospitalizations. These data yield a cost-to-savings ratio of approximately 1:4.


Healthy U makes a great addition to any community-based organization's programming.

Partnering with the Wyoming Center on Aging to offer Healthy U in your community brings with it a number of benefits. Healthy U:

  • Improves the health and well-being of local adults
  • Attracts new community members to your organization
  • Encourages participants to seek out other local health and wellness programs
  • Is free for any organization to deliver; all program costs are 100% funded
  • Is free for participants to attend, even multiple times
  • Supports other grant activities
  • May qualify some organizations to receive stipends for delivering a workshop
  • Is supported by the Wyoming Center on Aging throughout the planning, marketing, delivery, and evaluation process

Improving Wyoming's Health

Studied and offered for over 20 years

Since 1996, CDSMP and its affiliated programs have been the subject of numerous research studies all over the world. Those studies found that people who participate demonstrate the following outcomes:

  • Improved exercise habits
  • Improved symptom management
  • Improved communication with physicians
  • Improved general health
  • Decreased health distress
  • Decreased fatigue
  • Decreased disability
  • Decreases social and role activity limitations
  • Fewer days in the hospital
  • Few outpatient visits and hospitalizations per year
  • Healthcare savings of approximately $364 per participant per year for a cost-to-savings ratio of approximately 1:4

Get involved!

older woman

Help us bring Healthy U to your community!

The success of Healthy U is made possible in part thanks to partnerships with community-based organizations such as yours. Together, we can help people with chronic diseases develop the skills they need to play a more active and productive role in their health management.


To learn more about how you can bring Healthy U to your community or how you can support an existing local Healthy U program, you can contact us at (307) 766-2765 or at

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