Contact Us

George W. Hopper Law Library
Dept. 3035
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2210

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Public Services

The George W. Hopper Law Library is a public library and welcomes all Wyoming residents to use its resources. We are generally open to the public Monday through Friday, 8AM - 6PM, and Saturdays and Sundays 12PM - 4PM. Non-reference materials maybe checked with a free library card. We also have law students and law librarians available to assist with legal research. We do not, however, provide legal advice.
All three branches of government--judicial, legislative, and executive--promulgate law at both the state and federal levels. Laws from the judicial branch are from judicial opinions, or holdings. Laws from the legislative branch are passed by either the state or federal legislature (i.e., Congress) and are known as statutes. Laws from the executive branch come in the form of state or federal regulations, and executive orders.

The graphic below provides an overview of the three branches of government and examples of laws from each branch and each level.

Law from 3 branches of government

Contact Us

George W. Hopper Law Library
Dept. 3035
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2210

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