Modern & Classical Languages
Hoyt Hall 126
Dept. 3603
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4176
Fax: 307-766-2727
Welcome to the Latin Section of UW's Department of Modern & Classical Languages. As a department of world languages, literatures, and cultural studies, we prepare our students for life and careers in an increasingly global world. Our program in Latin provides students an understanding of classical Latin language, literature, and cultures, which form the basis of Western belief systems, social norms, and ethical values.
Minor requirements:
LATN 3110 Vergil, the Aeneid I (3)
LATN 3140 Caesar (2)
LATN 4120 Catullus and the Elegiac Poets (3)
LATN 4130 Cicero (3)
Electives -- 7 hours chosen from Latin at the 3000-level or above
Total Credit Hours -- 18
The Latin program at the University of Wyoming offers synchronic web conferencing sections for all Latin courses. Zoom web conferencing platform permits distance students in any time zone to interact with those on the Laramie campus. Distance education students need a quiet, distraction-free space with internet access and a computer with a microphone; UW provides the Zoom account link. All those interested in learning to read Latin who meet the University of Wyoming's admission policies are most welcome.
Modern & Classical Languages
Hoyt Hall 126
Dept. 3603
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4176
Fax: 307-766-2727