Contact Us

Modern & Classical Languages

Hoyt Hall 126

Dept. 3603

1000 E. University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4176

Fax: 307-766-2727


Find us on Instagram (Link opens a new window)Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)Find us on Twitter (Link opens a new window)Find us on LinkedIn (Link opens a new window)Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)

Prepare to Register

Required Information to Gather Prior to Registration

For Teachers


Email Address

Billing Address (if different than email)

For Competitors



T-Shirt Size


Language Level

Competition size: Individual, Group, or Both (online and/or in-person)

Language Competition Submission Title

Language Competition Submission Type: Presentation (cultural presentation, skit, song, poem), edited video, writing

*Group Name (if registering a group) - This name must be used for each competitor registration that is a part of this group.

Art Submission

File formats

For online submissions of edited video and writing.

Please upload student competition submissions using the follow file name formats and types.

Name format for file: 


lastname_firstname_school_excerpt (a 10-15 second excerpt of edited video submission)


File type:

video: upload files through Youtube

writing: .pdf or .rtf


Contact Us

Modern & Classical Languages

Hoyt Hall 126

Dept. 3603

1000 E. University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4176

Fax: 307-766-2727


Find us on Instagram (Link opens a new window)Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)Find us on Twitter (Link opens a new window)Find us on LinkedIn (Link opens a new window)Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)