Fall 2005
This course explores the chemical and biochemical principles underlying the study
of life at the molecular level.
Lecture: MTWR 1:10-2:00 PM ; ASMB Rm. 103
Office hours: W 2:00-3:00 PM after class in classroom or in individual instructor’s office
The required textbook is Principles of Biochemistry, by Horton, et al. 4th edition, 2006. The required course notes outline the lecture material and will be posted on the web at https://www.uwyo.edu/MolecBio/Courses/molb3610/index as soon as they are available for each chapter. This material should be supplementary to the notes you take in class, not a substitute for them. Slides and overheads presented in class will be predominantly from your textbook and will not be provided as electronic copies. You may also purchase a copy of The Biochemistry Student Companion, by A. J. Scism, 3rd edition, 2002 as an aid in studying material covered in the course. However, the Scism book is not required.
The planned lecture schedule is included at the end of this course introduction. Specific assignments will be included in the course notes on the web. You are advised to have reviewed the notes and completed textbook reading assignments prior to coming to lecture. Please consult the 2005 Fall Class Schedule for other important university dates and deadlines (Drop/Add info, etc.) Attendance at lectures is strongly recommended as each lecturer will provide emphasis on certain topics included in the chapters.
There will be 5 exams during the course. The first 4 exams will be held during the regularly scheduled lecture periods. The 5th exam is scheduled during Finals Week. Exam dates and chapters likely to be covered are listed below. Note that exam dates will not change, unless school is canceled due to inclement weather. Students requesting special accommodations for testing should see the instructor by no later than 1 week prior to the first exam.
All questions will be written in multiple choice format. Exam review sheets and sample exam questions will be provided for each course section. You are responsible for all material covered in reading assignments and in class.
Makeup exams will be allowed only if you have an official excuse for your absence such as obtained from a physician or the Office of Student Life, Knight Hall. Those who do not have an official excuse for missing an exam risk receiving a score of 0% for that exam.
Each exam will consist of 33 multiple choice questions and is worth 100 pts. Your percentage score for the course will be calculated on the basis of 500 total pts. Percentage scores will be rounded to the next higher whole number for decimals ≥ 0.5, and to the next lower whole number for decimals < 0.5. There will be no extra credit assignments. Your grade for the course then will be determined using the following scale: