Current WRP Projects: Project 30

Using Voluntary Arrangements To Reduce Diversions and Improve Stream Flows for In-channel Benefits in Wyoming

  • Project Number:  30
  • PI:  Dr. Lawrence J. MacDonnell, Professor of Law, University of Wyoming College of Law,; 307-766-6107
  • Status:  Ongoing.
  • Period:  March 10 - Feb 11


Many of Wyoming's rivers and streams are heavily used, especially on private lands at lower elevations. In some segments, fisheries and water quality could be improved if a portion of the stream flows historically diverted could be left in-channel under voluntary arrangements. This project will examine opportunities and constraints under Wyoming law to facilitate such voluntary reductions in diversions, either temporarily or permanently. It will examine approaches taken in other states. It will consider whether such approaches could be utilized in Wyoming under existing law and administration. It will suggest modifications, if any, that might be made to Wyoming law to enable the use of such voluntary arrangements.

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