Current WRP Projects: Project 41

Use of Fe(VI) for the Improvement of Water Quality in Wyoming

  • Project Number:  44
  • PI: Maohong Fan, SER Associate Prof., Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engr. and Lamia Goual, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engr., University of Wyoming
  • Period: 03/01/2013 – 02/29/2016



Water supplies have been getting increasingly tight. New water resources need to be found. A large amount of water is generated from energy production industries, so called “coproduced water(s) or CW(s)”, which can potentially be used to partially alleviate the tight water supply issues in some states such as Wyoming. Unfortunately, some CWs from energy industries have quality issues which need to be resolved before they can be utilized. In Wyoming, the common issues with its CWs include high total organic carbons (TOC), heavy metals, and total dissolved solids (TDS). It is known that eliminations of TOC and heavy metals in CWs are necessary for better removal of TDS. Accordingly, the proposed research is initialed to develop a new simple environmentally friendly Fe(VI) based method for simultaneous removal of TOC and heavy metals in CWs, which can eventually significantly benefit the removal of TDS in CWs. The proposed Fe(VI) based CWs management technology will demonstrated not only on bench-scale but also on industrial/commercial-scale.

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