Mental Health First Aid


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an evidence-based certificate training that teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use concerns. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.

Approximately one in five Americans experience a mental illness or mental health concern in a single year, but many are reluctant to seek help or don’t know where to turn for care. Unlike physical conditions, symptoms of mental health and substance use problems can be difficult to detect. Friends and family members may find it hard to know when and how to step in. As a result, those in need of mental health services often do not receive care until it is too late.

Training Opportunities

The University of Wyoming Campus Recreation & Wellness Center offers Adult MHFA Training for students, staff, faculty, and general UW community members at no cost! We offer the training in a blended format, meaning there is a 2-hour online self-paced portion followed by a 7-hour in-person training. Each training is facilitated by 2 certified MHFA Instructors. Individuals have the option of signing up for one of the many public training opportunities, or they can request private training for groups/departments.

Public MHFA Training Opportunities

  • Throughout the Fall and Spring semester the Wellness Center offers 2 training opportunities per month – one full-day session and two half-day sessions.

  • Full-day Session:

    • The 7-hour in-person training takes place in one day and usually occurs on a Saturday or semester break days.

  • Two Half-day Sessions:

    • The 7-hour in-person training takes place over the course of two days and consists of 3.5 hours of training each day. These will take place either in the morning or evening on both days. Participants must attend both days in full to complete the training.

Private MHFA Training Opportunities 

  • Groups of 20 or more may request private MHFA training for their working group/department. Groups that consist of any less than 20 should register for one of the public training opportunities.

  • To request private training, please fill out the MHFA Private Training Request Form. If you have any questions, please contact the Wellness Center at or 307-766-WELL(9355).


Wellness in the West Program 

The University of Wyoming is committed to promoting the health and well-being of its benefited employees. To 
support this commitment, we are introducing a health insurance premium program, Wellness in the West, aimed at 
encouraging mental and physical health through Mental Health First Aid Training and Campus Recreation 
participation. This program supports participation in the University’s fitness and wellness programs at Half Acre 
Recreation and Wellness Center and Corbett Pool.

More Information

To be eligible for the Wellness in the West program, employees must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a benefited employee of the University of Wyoming.

  • Be enrolled in the State of Wyoming Employee Group Insurance benefits.

  • Complete the MHFA certificate training that is provided by the Wellness Center.

  • Purchase the annual Campus Recreation membership and sign up for monthly payroll deduction.

  • The primary EGI holder is the only eligible employee if you have split coverage.

  1. Take Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) for free through the Campus Recreation Wellness Center.

  2. Campus Recreation staff will confirm your eligibility for the program with HR.

  3. After completing MHFA, you may sign up for the Wellness in the West Payroll Deduction Membership at the Half Acre Front Desk.

  4. The month after signing up, you’ll receive a monthly reimbursement of $20 applied through your payroll.

  5. Once you sign up, the premium credit will remain active for a 12-month period.

  • Health Insurance Premium Credit: Employees who complete Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training will receive a monthly premium credit of $20 per policy applied through payroll.

  • Grandfathering Clause: Employees who have already completed MHFA training will be grandfathered into the program for one year and receive the premium credit of $20 per month.

  • Ongoing Training Opportunity: After the first biennium, UW will look into further opportunities to provide ongoing health and wellness training with the hopes of maintaining the premium credit.

  • Premium Credit Activation: The premium credit will start the month after the completion of MHFA training and signing up for the corresponding Wellness in the West Payroll Deduction membership at Half Acre Gym. The premium credit will be applied for a rolling 12-month period as long as the employee maintains Campus Recreation membership, University of Wyoming employment, and Employment Group Insurance (EGI) enrollment.
  • Eligibility Deadline: Employees must sign up and complete the MHFA training by June 30, 2025 in order to be eligible.

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