Continuous Registration Requirement Petition

Office of the Registrar

Instructions for Processing Petition

Continuous Registration Required


The Principle of Petitions:

The University of Wyoming, as a fully-accredited public institution of higher education, must comply with general laws, regulations, and principles of fairness, uniformity and accountability.  Exceptions to uniform application of general regulations are justified in extraordinary circumstances, when necessary to prevent or remedy an unfair or unjust consequence.


1. Take the Petition Form to your academic adviser. On the petition, you must clearly and concisely print or type the results and exceptions you seek. Present your version of the facts, circumstances and consequences. Give facts, not conclusions. Your adviser may help you with the wording of the petition or require you to state your case on the petition before conferring with you. After the petition is completed, it is to be signed by you and your adviser. You may download the form from the Office of the Registrar website. Attach additional pages if the information does not fit in the space provided.

2. Take the petition to the other officials listed on the front page of the Petition to obtain their recommendations, completing the process by returning it to the Office of the Registrar. Any signer may add clarifying or explanatory comments to the Petition.

3. After all the signatures have been obtained on the petition, it will be reviewed by the University Registrar. Once a decision has been made, a copy of the petition indicating whether or not it was granted will be mailed to you. If the University Registrar denies the Petition, it is your right to refer the matter to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for further consideration.

If you wish to request a review by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, you are responsible for referring the petition to that office. When a petition is denied, after a reasonable period of time (usually one semester) the Petition will be considered abandoned.

Process and Return Petition Without Unnecessary Delay


Office of the Registrar

167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5272

Fax: (307) 766-3960


Lane Buchanan, Sr. Associate Registrar
Robert Ratterree, Associate Registrar

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