Undergraduate Probation & Suspension

Office of the Registrar

Current academic status is indicated by the following three categories:


  • Good standing
  • On Probation
  • Academic (or Scholastic) Suspension


Academic status is indicated on all final grade reports, academic transcripts and may also be obtained through WyoWeb.

Academic Probation:

  1. Students are placed on probation at the end of the semester or summer session when his or her cumulative GPA at the University of Wyoming falls below a 2.000.

  2. A student may be removed from probation at the end of a semester or summer session when his or her cumulative GPA is 2.000 or above.

  3. Students who fail to remove themselves from probation or earn a semester GPA of at least 2.000 in the next semester or summer term attempted will be suspended from the university.

Academic Suspension:

  1. Academic suspension constitutes the status of a person whose enrollment in the University of Wyoming has been terminated because of unsatisfactory progress toward the bachelor's degree.

  2. A person who is suspended for unsatisfactory academic performance will normally not be permitted to petition for reinstatement until four months have elapsed.

  3. After the student has been reinstated, credit earned at another college or university while suspended from UW may be accepted under the normal regulations governing the transfer of credit.

Academic Reinstatement:

  1. Academic reinstatement constitutes the status of an academically suspended student who has been reinstated to the university. The reinstated student shall be on academic probation during his or her first semester or summer session of reinstatement, after which he or she may be removed from this probation status according to the provisions indicated in item #2 above under Academic Probation.

  2. A Petition for Reinstatement must be submitted not later than 30 days before the beginning of the semester or summer term in which the person wishes to register. A petition received after this deadline may not be processed until after the general registration period and the petitioner will then be subject to the late registration fee.

  3. The decision on a Petition for Reinstatement will be made by the dean of the college in which the person wishes to enroll. The Center for Advising and Career Services makes the decision for all College of Arts and Sciences students. A student who has petitioned for reinstatement must remain in the college which has granted reinstatement for that semester.


Office of the Registrar

167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5272

Fax: (307) 766-3960

Email: registrar@uwyo.edu

Lane Buchanan, Sr. Associate Registrar
Robert Ratterree, Associate Registrar

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