Research and Inquiry events are sponsored by the UW Offices of Research and Economic Development, Student Affairs, and Academic Affairs; and also by the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Agriculture, College of Engineering and Applied Science, the College of Health Sciences, the Honors College, Wyoming INBRE, the McNair Scholars Program, Phi Beta Kappa, Wyoming EPSCoR, and the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium.
Program coordinators and collaborators with Undergraduate Research and Inquiry days are listed here:
Nichole Lumadue, Wyoming EPSCoR
Annie Bergman, Wyoming INBRE
Megan Candelaria, Physics & Astronomy
Mercedes Cassidy, Science Initiative
Jamie Crait, Wyoming Research Scholars Program
Elizabeth Nysson, SEO, McNair Scholars
Steven Barrett, Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
Shawna McBride, Wyoming Space Grant Consortium, EPSCoR-IDeA
Victoria Gostas, Wyoming Innovation Partnership, EPSCoR-IDeA
Nicholas Giraldo, EPSCoR-IDeA
School of Energy Resources
Adrienne Freng, Criminal Justice and Sociology
Thomas Grant, Honors College
Pilar Flores, SEO
Ramsankar Veerakumar, Mechanical Engineering
Kari Strube, Mechanical Engineering
Joslyn Cassidy, Honors College
Farrell Rapp, Pre-Award Services
Ruben Gamboa, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Randolph Pfeiffer, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering
Laura Oler, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Jay Fahlsing, Science Institute
Raya Hageman-Davis, School of Computing
Jim Herrold, Research Compliance
Jim Ward, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Chelley Scheider, Research and Economic Development