CASI Rates

Please see the tables below for CASI Rates, as well as an example of fee calculations.


Science Initiative - Center for Advanced Scientific Instrumentation (CASI)


Internal Academic Hourly Rate1

External Academic Hourly Rate

External Industry Hourly Rate

Teton: Micro CT (Zeiss Xradia 610) Peak 2,3 $60.00 $80.34 $224.39
Non-Peak 2,3 $33.92
Devils Tower: TEM/SEM (ThermoFisher Talos 200x) Peak 2,3 $80.00 $101.34 $217.80
Non-Peak 2,3 $53.92
Wind River: FIB-SEM (ThermoFisher Helios 5 UX): FIB-SEM Peak 2,3 $70.00 $91.34 $235.99
Non-Peak 2,3 $43.92
Wind River: FIB-SEM (ThermoFisher Helios 5 UX): FEG-SEM Only Peak 2,3 $60.00 $81.34 $225.99
Non-Peak 2,3 $33.92
Water Bear: Laser Scanning Microscope (Zeiss LSM980) $40.00 $62.34 $148.11
spINBRE Super-Res: Spinning Disk Microscipe (Olympus)5 N/A $56.34 $129.69
spINBRE TIRF: Spinning Disk Microscipe (Olympus)5 N/A $61.34 $133.66
Carbon Coating for SEM and TEM $23.00 $44.34 $103.89
Service Only: Gold and Platinum Coating for SEM and TEM $32.00 $53.34 $112.89
CASI Workstation N/A N/A N/A
Dragonfly Pro Workstation N/A N/A N/A
Training Fee (Additional to the Instrument Fee) $47.42 $47.42 $94.84
CASI Technician Assitant Service Fee (Additional to the Instrument Fee) $47.42 $47.42 $94.84


  1. Internal academic rate applies to all users affiliated with the University of Wyoming, Wyoming community colleges, and Wyoming State Government
  2. Peak Hours are 8:00 am to 6:00 pm M-F
  3. Non-Peak hourly rate requires an operator with skilled user status
  4. Consumablwes will be charged at cost plus 20% markup
  5. spINBRE TIRF and spINBRE Super-res will not be charged for INBRE-affiliated users




Example 1: Training for Basic Operations 1,2
  Instrument Time hours per user Technician Time hours per user Fees: Internal academic
Teton: Micro CT (Zeiss Xradia 610) basic operation 4 2 $334.84
Devils Tower: TEM/SEM (ThermoFisher Talos 200x) basic operation 5 3 $542.26
Wind River: SEM (ThermoFisher Helios 5 UX) basic operation 5 3 $442.26
Example 2: SEM Imaging Service
  Instrument Time hours Technician Time hours Fees: Internal academic
Wind River: SEM (ThermoFisher Helios 5 UX) sample analysis 2 2 $214.84
Sample preparation: gold coating 1 0.6 $60.45
Example 3: Self-Operation for SEM Imaging
  Instrument Time hours Technician Time hours Fees: Internal academic
Wind River: SEM (ThermoFisher Helios 5 UX) sample analysis 2 0 $120.00


  1. The estimated time for basic operation training is based on previous training sessions. The exact time required may vary depending on the user's experience and background.
  2. The instrument time needed for advanced operation training varies depending on the application. For TEM and FIB-SEM, the average technician time is approximately 3 hours.